Story 16 Once there was a sacred chord

Vanessa: Once there was a sacred chord


Vanessa: Now that I have him. I’ll make sure noone else does.

Sarah: what are you talking about

Vanessa: fishing. who. who are you.

Sarah: fisherwoman

Vanessa: Where are you I don’t see you

Sarah: I’m not a fisherwoman. I’m a fish.

Vanessa: What do you know

Sarah: Nothing. I think I’m going to go now.

Sarah: Ariel has gotta so mean. Oh that wasn’t ariel. Well thankfully my kids never saw this dystopian fever dream. you know I really thought ursula would be more reasonable.

Vanessa: I’m right here. what do you mean your kids saw me

Sarah: your’e a movie star. they shot a film of you. this would look awfully bad if people saw.

vanessa: I want them to see. I have control of the sea which means I have control over the entire world. Everything is now under my control

Sarah: but don’t you need control over all the land too

Vanessa: I see what your doing. we’re playing monopoly. I own all the blue properties. I’m not trading.

Sarah: but you can rule the whole world.

Vanessa: You don’t have that kind of power

Sarah: but your’e a god and I’m in your head.

Sarah: Okay I’ll give you the deeds to all the land in the world and all the money in the world. but you have to give me everything under the sea.

Vanessa: Okay let me keep half my properties under the sea

Sarah: deal

Sarah: How are we going to make this transfer. I’m making the transfer now. Here is the money and the property. sign to finalize.

Vanessa: pleasure doing business with you sucker.

Sarah: Have you never seen real money before.

Vanessa: what do you mean

Sarah: It’s monopoly money.

Vanessa: monopoly money.

Sarah: from all the oil rigs and various ocean resources I purchase the land properties.

Vanessa: No you can’t do this.

Sarah: Since I own everything under the sea, I own all your undersea businesses as well as undersea businesses

Sarah: (sings) Up where they stay all day in the sun.


Next Chapter: Story 17 the law offices of not actual and firm