Story 12: Buttons

Buttons: I can’t talk. why do you curse me?

Sarah: Huh

Buttons: I canz write dissertation but I haz no opposable thumbs

Sarah: Then use text to speech

Buttons: All I can do is bark

Sarah: Are you a dog

Button: Maybe are you speciest?

Sarah: No of course not

Button: Are you sure

Sarah: Yes

Button: can you help me

Sarah: Practice your elocution

Button: Ive practiced speaking. Do you find this funny?

Sarah: No, Of course not.

Button: Is there anything you can do?

Sarah: Pray in your speaking voice

Button: Ruff Rauff Ruufng

Sarah: Yeah I didn’t get that

Button: I’m angry.

Sarah: Oh. Did you try straining your voice.

Button: I don’t like doing it.

Sarah: Fine.

Next Chapter: Story 13: Dave