Tal M. Klein

Saracen pig, Spartan dog, Roman cow, Russian snake, Spanish fly, Anglo-Saxon Hun.
Tal is the author of
It’s the year 2147: a time of enduring peace on Earth. The Last War ended half a century ago. We can cure most ills, the air is pure, and teleportation is how we get around. Sounds great, right? So why does everyone suddenly want to kill Joel Byram?
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I have not read the book, but I absolutely love this concept. Can't wait to read it!
A shy young boy magically travels back to 1885 and takes part in the world’s first and greatest scavenger hunt.
Finally this book is out of draft mode and I can pre-order it. What can I say, I absolutely love everything about this concept. Can't wait to read it!
A 13 year-old boy finds an easy-to-read, how-to manual for magic. Now he just has to prevent everyone else from stealing it.
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