Kacie Davis Idol

Published author • Writer and lover of realism, romance and bittersweet endings. 
Kacie is the author of
Kacie's Syndicate
  • Backed 2 books
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  • For The Love Of Fiction Syndicate
  • Kacie Davis Idol
  • This syndicate is aimed at readers who are drawn to true-to-life stories with a little bit of romance, adventure and realism; For the reader who isn't afraid of the bittersweet taste life can offer and gets swallowed up in a story becaus...
  • Genres Backed: Fiction, Autobiographical/Memoir, Romance, Teen And Young Adult, Romance, Non Fiction, And Fiction
Books Kacie Recommends
The Love Fool sounds like a love life I could relate too! I love that it's set is Rome and I can't wait to see what trouble gets stirred up! Realistic Fiction, you have my heart <3
Set in Rome. Follow the whirlwind antics of a publicist as he struggles to manage his first TV chef client, his new life and an unexpected visit from his ex-girlfriend.
Real life events and experiences most of us can definitely relate to at one point or another...LOVE THAT.
The novel follows a young adult character thrust into a perplexing world, overwhelmed by the cost of reality.
Awesome concept! Everyone go back to where you came from and lets see how this goes...!! This is going to be good!
Worldwide repatriation. Every immigrant must return to country of origin. Is anyone safe or is civilization doomed?
Books Kacie recently read
by J.D. Salinger
by Paula Hawkins
by Nicholas Sparks
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