Most Influential Readers at Inkshares

An avid reader.
#239 Most Influential Reader
#240 Most Influential Reader
Writer, translator, folklorist, metallist, dark philosopher, armchair historian, pseudoscientist, Vi...
#241 Most Influential Reader
An avid reader.
#242 Most Influential Reader
Yann is a poet who writes for geeks, rave-children and existentialists. He lives in Paris and has be...
#243 Most Influential Reader
Reader, writer, scholar. Author of "Dillinger in Charleston", "For State and Country", and "Obsidian...
#244 Most Influential Reader
Aggressive Chaser of Joy. Writer. 
#245 Most Influential Reader
A writer of weird, funny things. Like audio dramas with molepeople and books about vampires. ...
#246 Most Influential Reader
An avid reader.
#247 Most Influential Reader
Writer, elementary school science teacher, and crab fan.
#248 Most Influential Reader
#249 Most Influential Reader
Avid reader and writer of African blend stories.
#250 Most Influential Reader
#251 Most Influential Reader
Drinker of beers, teller of tales.
#252 Most Influential Reader
An avid reader.
#254 Most Influential Reader
#255 Most Influential Reader
An avid reader.
#256 Most Influential Reader
#257 Most Influential Reader
#259 Most Influential Reader
Recently Followed:
Fledgling writer, social studies teacher, feminist, socialist, nerd, quirkiness enthusiast, and 1/4 ...
#261 Most Influential Reader
An avid reader.
#262 Most Influential Reader
Demons? Conspiracy? Tacos? Check out the Seventh Age: Dawn!
#263 Most Influential Reader
#264 Most Influential Reader
I am a mother, a lover of books and all things Nerdy, and it is my dream and passion to write for a ...
#265 Most Influential Reader
Actor in TV and Film / Writer of Novels and Screenplays. You can see me in BETTER CALL SAUL, PREACHE...
#266 Most Influential Reader
Recently Followed:
Reader, Writer, Artist, Geek.
#267 Most Influential Reader
#268 Most Influential Reader
An avid reader.
#269 Most Influential Reader
Believe it or not, it’s just me!
#270 Most Influential Reader
A writer first, a reader always.
#271 Most Influential Reader
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