Cem Bilici's latest update for xxxx

Sep 23, 2016

Howdy folks.

Things ain’t been progressing quite how I’d like in the campaign, but them’s the breaks. I thought I’d throw this out there to sweeten the deal, and just so everyone knows:

Ward of the South is a finished novel.

And by that I mean that it’s been completed in draft form and self edited by me a few times now. Five and a bit times to be exact. Currently it clocks in at 110k words, though will probably be a might less once this sixth and final pass through is done. Originally it was sittin’ around 118k.


I’m waitin’ to see the outcome of this campaign. If I have the chance to have it edited fully by getting 750+ orders I will put off polishin’ the final forty chapters.
If I hit 250-749 pre-orders, then I will complete my final polish and have it copyedited.

If neither happens, well I will be forkin’ out to get it done myself!

One way or another this will be happenin’, so never fear.

Now, havin’ said that, there is a finished draft that nobodies readin’ that y’all can peruse if you so wish! How about that, huh? So if that tickles your taste buds, holler out in a direct message to me, tell me your poison (file format) and where to send it!

If’n you’re thinkin’ this sounds like snake oil, well it ain’t! But there is a catch. I’ll only be sendin’ it to those who have pre-ordered. Fair’s fair and a deals a deal. Put it right there, pardner!

See you you ’round like a wagon wheel.

P.S: If’n you’re wonderin’ why I’m talkin’ like a B grade movie cowboy... I got no idea. Seemed a good idea at the time.