Yicheng Liu's latest update for The Remains Of Civilisation

Jan 2, 2016

Hey folks,

 I should've put out this update a long long time ago. Now that I had officially missed Christmas, New Year and even my birthday put out this update, I feel like I'm just making excuses to not put any updates at this point. Nw year resolution #1: do reader updates more frequently.

We officially have 66 preorders now! That's the equivalent of 314 cups of Starbucks coffee! Thanks to all the people that had came here and bought my book, I cannot express my gratitude enough. Only 6 months ago, I had been a nobody hack writer that no one knows. 

I now have quickly become a name in community and met (digitally) many great writers such as John Robin, J.F. Dubeau, Paul Inman, Cara Weston (the lady who made Review-a-thon possible), Thomas Arnold, and many more. They're the pillars of the community and had been here to help others to make their dreams come true. 

If any of the people I had mentioned above happened to be reading this, happy new year and keep on keeping on. It's because of this community that I gained confidence in my writing, started a YouTube channel and had one of the best years in my life. 

The New Year had came and went, but when I reflected on the things I had done last year, I saw the ripples that I had metaphorically made. I wouldn't brag, but I saw beyond my book. I had become a contributor to John Robin's blog, and had done a lot of things beyond just typing words. I never regretted a single moment of last year, and I hope that things get better from here on out. Let's see how far my ambitions can take me.


Yicheng Liu