Tabi Card's latest update for Project Human

Apr 5, 2016

I have officially started writing, as in there are words and sentences and all that novel stuff.


The problem: there’s still just SO MUCH to compile and discover about life in the year 2120! I spent most of yesterday afternoon drafting up the rules for the android fights, straightening out the different android models (my brother is drawing blueprints for various android models, so I can’t wait to share those finished products!), and then doodling around with plot & scene ideas for Project Humans sequel (very excited about that).

We’ll see if I can make it through this first draft in a month . . .

Here’s a meme I created about writing Project Human, because there are so many character’s heads I want to get into, even though this story is told through two POV’s (Hailey & Ander).

Remember that ANYONE WHO RECOMMENDS this project will get a super exclusive email with the first chapter of Project Human, and other sneak peeks!