Shawn Furniss's latest update for Battle Flag: The Road To Hell

Sep 30, 2017

Well it’s over. Thanks again to the folks that ordered, I guess I just couldn’t pull enough people together to make this thin happen at Inkshares. It sucks that it failed but it’s not the first time. So I’m moving on to see what agents are out there that might be interested in it. I did this before I came to Inkshares so I need find my old agent list so that I don’t double up my submissions on this next run. Not to mention that Battle Flag isn’t the only finished project I have ready to go. The Agoge is still hanging around Inkshares and if it shows some good traction here I’ll sell it here, so you might want to give it a look in. With all the work I’ve been doing on getting Battle Flag preorders I haven’t been able to give The Agoge much of a push.

Battle Flag likewise isn’t going to go away in an instant. I’m going to dial back the sample chapters and keep an eye on it while I look into my other options for publishing it. I’ve also got some new short stories coming down the pipeline that I’d like to get into one of the Sci-Fi mags out there.

Anyway, I’ll send out another message if something big happens with Battle Flag, like drawing in three hundred followers in a few months or something.
