JF Dubeau's latest update for A God in the Shed

Jun 29, 2017

Friends... I have some really cool stuff to talk about.

But first, I need a favour. You get this from probably every single author you support, whether on Inkshares or on any other platform. Once we publish, we all become these strange creatures that seem to feed on one thing and one thing alone: reviews.

The arcane mechanisms that explain why reviews matter so much in books sales are difficult to explain and keep changing (thanks Amazon algorithms!) but they are always important.

So go review A God in the Shed on Amazon and/or on GoodReads. Smarter people than I say that 50 should be a good goal for now, so lets go with that. Can we do 50 reviews in two weeks? I think so.

So what other cool stuff do I have to talk about? Well, that’ll have to wait. I want to have photos.

"I have such sights to show you." - Pinhead, Hellraiser