Kevin Bragg's latest update for Transilience

Jan 8, 2016

One week of the Sword and Laser Collection Contest left. It ends at noon PST on Jan 15th. A Herculean effort will propel me into the Top Three. Not impossible. Perhaps more accurately, that place where the possible and the impossible meet. If I can get enough preorders by Friday of next week, perhaps I can achieve the possimpible. 

Why spend your hard earned money on my little novel? 

It's a damn good story, that's why! 

If you like novels that capture the essence of Bladerunner, or the novel which inspired it Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, you may like Transilience. 

 If you enjoy classic science-fiction, you may enjoy this novel. 

If you are a fan of old school Noir and Hardboiled Detective Fiction, you may want to read Transilience. 

Transilience is also a completed novel. No waiting around for me to finish it. As soon as this baby hits the necessary support levels, the publication machinery can hit the ground running. 

Transilience is a well-written novel. It is an opinion held (fortunately) by more than me. Full of strong verbs. Well constructed syntax. And a balance of dialogue, action and exposition to move the narrative along to a conclusion that echoes such cinematic greats as Sunset Blvd., A Touch of Evil, In a Lonely Place and Double Indemnity. Transilience could very well be the best novel you've read this year! :) 

I also have two novels featuring Daniel Helmqvist planned. Getting Transilience out there will certainly help with the others. Book Two is already underway. If Transilience has an ISBN, I can only imagine how much more motivated I would be. (Sorry about the triple alliteration. These things get away from me sometimes). 

 I'll stop here. I hope you agree with all or some of what I've written. If you do, your support of Transilience will be welcomed and thanked beyond the superlative. 

