Jason Chestnut's latest update for To Live and Die in Avalon

May 12, 2016

Hello, superspies!

The latest issue of the Avalon Chronicler is now available here: 


Offering another peek into the world of Avalon and the evolution of the main protagonist of the novel, Penny Thorne, by way of a hidden piece of microfiction. Check it out!

As promised, I will be releasing another issue this week to make up for the lack of one last week (hey, I had finals, but I’m all done with that now!)

Spread the word! We’re at less than sixty days to go, but only ten pre-orders away from our first big RAFFLE! At 100 pre-orders I will be raffling off the chance to be in the novel as a minor character. Disposable henchperson? Secretive contact? Shady assassin? We’ll figure it out together and make it happen, but we need to cross that milestone first!

Need some help getting your friends or followers on board with the book? Here are some clever ways to pitch it:

"It’s everything you love about Guardians of the Galaxy and Firefly combined with the superspy intrigue of a classic James Bond film."

"It’s an old school science fiction adventure like Star Wars, but with the kind of plot you’d find in the Jason Bourne or Mission Impossible movies."

"Did you hear they are finally going to make a Black Widow movie? You should check out To Live and Die in Avalon, it has a badass female spy that’s a lot like Natasha Romanoff."

I have some other cool stuff coming up, including a revamp of my website, some ORIGINAL music inspired by the book (I make music, I can do these things!) and some video updates wherein I read one of the newer unreleased chapters! 

Thanks again for all the support and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally, I’m always open to feedback, questions or general witty banter. 

