Benjamin Gray's latest update for The Wolf in the Woods

Sep 25, 2017

I live in exciting times.

I mean, you live there, too, but I really only know my own experience.

The Wolf in the Woods is about to CRACK the top ten on the Inkshares Horror Contest. I need your help to be able to do that. If you’ve already purchased the book, then have another hearty "thank you!" from me. If not, you can decide if I deserve to win by reading two free stories from The Wolf in the Woods: "Dear Madeleine" and "This and Every Year." They’re under the "read" tab on The Wolf in the Woods’s page (they’re functioning as "chapters"). If you like it, throw down ten bucks for an e-book, or buy a paperback if you want a physical copy of my brother’s sweet, sweet cover art.

When I crack the top ten, I’ll upload another story. Tell me which one you want to see! I have descriptions for all 13 stories in the "About" section. I’m going to have to take "Of Sand" and "Family Recipe" out of the running, though, because they’re just too long (Of Sand is almost novella-sized). I’m also going to have to take "Friends" out because it has some special formatting that can’t be replicated on Inkshares. Anything else is fair game, though!

Let’s get weird!