The Taking

Bardolf feels powerful after the crime that he has committed. He feels that he is doing society justice by getting one more scum bucket off the street. He wished that he got to that horrible man sooner so that way his wife might have had the opportunity to have enjoyed one thing in her life. Bardolf was not thinking straight. He started to believe that he would be able to control his feelings and would not have harmed the wife. In fact, in his twisted brain, he would have let her watch.

“Violetta, I have never felt so alive. That stupid little man never saw it coming. He was such a vile creature. He had such a look of shock. That poor woman. She was already dead by the time I got there. I wonder what the newspapers are going to say. I hope that he is not memorialized as a good hard working man. If that is the case, I believe I will have to find that idiot writer and set him straight as well. I just wish that I could have saved her.” Bardolf started to stare off and let his excitement trail off.

“You did the right thing Bardolf. I am proud that you served justice. I am sorry that you were not able to save that poor woman as well. Maybe next time. Did you bring me back anything?” Violetta asked with anticipation in her voice.

“Yes. It is an apron that is very worn, but you can tell the women loved it dearly.” Bardolf then placed the apron in the hole of the tree that was right next to Violetta. The hole of the tree led to the hollowed out trunk. The hollow is where Violetta wanted to keep all of her trinkets.

“Thank you Bardolf. I have one more favor to ask of you. Would you be able to bring me something back on your next outing if it is not too much trouble? I would like you to bring me back charcoal and place it in my hollow right along with the loved trinkets. Before putting the charcoal into the hollow of the tree, I would like you to liquefy it, then pour it in. My roots are entwined with the trees roots. That way I will be able to feel the love that comes from these trinkets.” Violetta asked with the sweetest and softest voice. She threw in a few batted eyelashes as well.

Bardolf agrees to do this for Violetta. Just as he stands to start to walk away, Violetta sneezes. Just as she sneezes pollen discharges and spreads itself all over Bardolf’s face. Bardolf is in a haze. He has forgotten for a split second what has happened and what is going on. He is shaken for a moment. He looks at Violetta a little puzzled on what he is doing there. It all comes back to Bardolf. He remembers that he needs to get charcoal for Violetta and liquefy it.

Nights go on just like the first. Bardolf keeps bringing trinkets and has fulfilled Violetta’s request of bringing liquefied charcoal to detoxify love. Bardolf’s ego and pride are growing larger and larger while the townsfolk become more and more in frightened. Bardolf in some eyes is considered a vigilante is cleaning up the scum of the earth. Bardolf goes out and scans the street for the wicked. He has started to become brazen and talking with his victim before attacking and going for blood.

One evening Bardolf was so upset by the deeds of one man. This man was boasting how he hasn’t paid any of his workers for months because he hasn’t felt like it. He is making them work day and night with the promise of a big payoff, a bonus if you will. He knows times are tough, and people will do what they have to so he is stringing all of them along. The one thing he loves the most about his plan is he is working them to death. Once someone dies he replaces them, and the cycle continues. He feels it is great how gullible and dumb the poor can be.

When Bardolf overhears this, he decides to play devil’s advocate and agree with everything this man is doing to them. Bardolf tells this businessman that he is the smartest person and cleverest man he has ever had the pleasure speaking to. The man feels safe with Bardolf. Bardolf follows the man out of the building. Bardolf is careful not to be seen by this person. Bardolf knows this man is going to the outhouse to relieve himself, so Bardolf walks around the building, undresses, and transforms. Just as this slimy, conniving man is coming out of the outhouse, Bardolf pounces and kills this man. For the first time, his kill is not in a home. Bardolf is out in the open. Bardolf decides to take a money clip to bring back to Violetta. He knows this weasel has one. Bardolf reaches into his victims pocket and takes it. The only thing this man cared about was money.

Bardolf is so pumped from his night that he is having so far, he figured one more attack wouldn’t hurt. The rage was still flowing. Bardolf was still a werewolf and in a smug way did not care if anyone saw. He walks past a few homes. He hears a baby crying. Without thinking Bardolf barges into this home. He thinks he is saving one more person tonight the man and women that are inside the house with the baby are arguing. Bardolf doesn‘t think twice. He leaps after both of them and within moments he has killed them.

The baby’s lungs are healthy. The baby’s cry snaps Bardolf out of it, and his rage dies down. He transforms back to a person. He steals some of the male victim’s clothes. He thinks it is ok if he leaves. A neighbor should hear the baby crying and come over soon. But what if they don’t? What if loud noises are a natural occurrence for this house? What if the baby dies? Bardolf did this to save the baby not to harm it.

Bardolf goes into the room where the baby is to figure out what to do. Maybe seeing it, he will know what to do. He did not want the baby to be served the same fate as he had and be sent to that horrible orphanage. He had been around babies a lot in the orphanage but never so much time to know what to do with it. Besides, it feels like Bardolf has just learned how to take care of himself. Where would he get milk for the baby? If he kept livestock there was no telling if they would survive any of Bardolfs rages? They were quite explosive, and he didn’t want the guilt of not being able to feed her. He already had a protection room that he spent many of days and nights exploring when he was a kid and ushered down by his parents then locked in for what felt like forever. He knew why now but didn’t then. He decides to take the baby home with him. He is hoping that the mother’s body is warm enough for one more feeding, and there is milk there. He wants the baby to be soothed and calmed for a short period. Bardolf did not want to leave the house with a screaming baby and draw attention to the massacre inside.

When Bardolf returns home, he goes to Violetta unsure of what to do. She pleads for him to take the baby back. He has no business keeping it. He wouldn’t know how to care for it. Bardolf feels Violetta is wrong and argues with her. He gets upset with her when she requests to keep the baby as a trinket from his outing. Violetta feels Bardolf is careless. Bardolf does not care. He decides to name the baby, Rosa.

Next Chapter: The Going On