1281 words (5 minute read)

Chapter 3: A Letter From Father

The two siblings make their way into the kitchen. Horace sits at the table, gently smoking his favorite pipe. Elra was home, busily works in the kitchen getting things ready for the night’s meal. Horace looks up to Arthur’s harrowing face. He presents the letter to him. Elra turns around at the sudden interruption. “What’s this then?” Horace reaches over and grabs the letter. Elra walks behind him and peers over his shoulder to read its contents.

Arthur and Amalya stand and watch as their grandfather and sister study the writing. Amalya holds her breath, not knowing what their reaction will be. Horace’s’ face turns to an unwelcoming scowl. He looks up at Arthur. The four stand and stare at each other for a few moments, not knowing what to do next. It was almost surreal; here they were as they have always been. It was odd how someone who has not been with them for so long could cause such a disturbance. Horace never spoke justly of their father; she was sure his reaction would be no different.

Amalya shakes off her uncertainty to speak, “What is he talking about? The dragon lord of Steina…from the legend?”

Horace crumples the letter and stands up, “Your father is delusional.”

“He believes the lost dragon lord killed our mother?”

“He’s obsessed with getting revenge on the dragon that killed your mother. He doesn’t care which. He’s just grasping at straws.” Horace looks directly at Amalya, “Don’t believe a word of it.”

Elra walks back over to her cooking, “I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Why should we care?”

Arthur turns towards her, “He’s abandoning the guard. That’s a serious offense…”

“Punishable by death, I know.”

She turns towards her brother, “It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it.”

Amalya scowls at her sister’s comment, “He’s our father!”

Horace stands up and grabs Amalya’s arm, “There’s nothing to be done about it. He made his decision…”

Amalya turns towards her grandfather, “We can’t let him! We have to find him.”

“And do what? Drag him home? Honestly, Amalya, must you never think before you pour nonsense from your mouth.” Elra went back to her cooking, “As far as I’m concerned he can do what he pleases. Why would we want him back anyway?”

Amalya breaks her grandfather’s hold and lunges at her sister. She grabs her long plain hair and pulls her off her feet. Elra screams and struggles to break her hold “Get off me!” Arthur and Horace rush forward to pry off Amalya’s relentless fingers. After a few moments, Amalya lets go, falling into her grandfather’s arms. Elra fixes herself and turns towards her attacker. Her face is red with rage, “You little monster! What is the matter with you?”

“ He loves us! He loves us and you don’t even care!”

“Care? Why in Marin’s name should I care! He’s done nothing for us!”

Horace straightens himself, “That’s enough.” Elra’s rage was too far gone for her to notice his plea, “You think he’s so brave and gallant for going off and fighting those horrible dragons! He’s nothing but a coward!”


“How would you know? You barely even knew him! You didn’t even know mother!”

Horace races his voice a bit, “Enough I said.”

“He let her die!! He did it to save you do you know that? MOTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!”

“I said ENOUGH!”

The four stood in silence, Elra huffing loudly to quell her rage. Amalya stares at Arthur, hoping not to see Elra’s accusation’s verified by his eyes. Horace walks around to face his grandchildren, his face hard and stern, “NO more this. I don’t want to hear another word out of you, is that understood?” Amalya looks at her grandfather in distress, “But…”


She shrinks back and casts her gaze to the floor. Elra wipes a tear from her face before returning to her cooking, “You won’t be hearing another word from me.” Arthur moves towards the door as if he were trying to escape the tension. He looks out the window. He was just as conflicted as Amalya, probably more so. She turns to Horace, “Is it true?”

“Not a word of it,” He glares at Elra who does not even acknowledge his discredit, “Not a word!”

Horace places a hand on Amalya’s shoulders, “Leave it be, child.”Amalya turns around to join Arthur at the door. Horace looks at Elra, “Apologize to your sister.” Elra ignores him. Horace walks over to her, his hands raised, “ELRA!”

“It’s fine. I don’t want her apology.”

Horace turns towards his youngest grandchild. His eyes seem sad, almost regretful, “I know what yer father means to you but there’s nothing can be done.” Arthur opens the front door, “Let’s go for a walk Amalya.” The two siblings turn towards the town, escaping the home that held captive their father’s fate.

 Amalya throws her hood over her head as they make for the outskirts of Rau. The market crowd is almost non-existent as the sun slowly begins to hide behind the distant mountains. Arthur keeps pace behind her, making sure she is within his sights. As they reach the walls of the city Arthur runs up to catch her, “Wait, Amalya.” Amalya stops in her tracks. She stares out at the world in front of her. The River Thale lies in front of them, providing a natural barrier between Rau and the outside world.

“I’ve never been outside the city before…”

She turns to face her brother, “Is what Elra said true? I know grandfather just doesn’t want me to believe it. I could see it.” Arthur releases his breath, preparing himself for what he will say, “I don’t know.”

“What do you know?”

“I know she was just trying to get under your skin.”

“Well, she did.”

“You know how she feels about father; she is bitter.”

Arthur walks over to Amalya and grabs her shoulders. He holds her in his arms, squeezing her tightly against his chest. Amalya reaches around and clings to him, letting her natural tears stream from her face. Arthur rests his chin on top of her head, allowing her to wreak tearful havoc on his chest. After a moment he pulls her away and looks into her face, “All cried out then?” Amalya wipes her eyes again with the back of her tunic.

He wipes her cheeks with his hand and smiles at her, “Look, it doesn’t matter if what she says is true or not. We can do nothing to change the past. “

Amalya nods her head and takes a deep breath.

“You know what I do remember from when I was little?”

She shakes her head and looks at him.

“I remember a promise. I remember you taking my hand when father left. He made me promise to always look after you, to protect you and never let anything happen to you.”

He smiles at her and it is so infectious, Amalya cannot help but smile back.

“I’ve done good so far haven’t I?”

“I suppose so.”

“I don’t plan on breaking that promise anytime soon. As far as your concerned you’re stuck with me.”

“That is until you get married.”

Arthur grunts, “Married? Me? Unlikely.”

He tugs at her cloak and turns back towards home, “Come on. I don’t think us missing dinner would help improve Elra’s mood one bit.”

He begins to walk back towards the inner city, leaving the wall separating them from the outside world behind him. Amalya turns towards the River Thale one last time before making the course for home. She hurries forward, trying to keep pace with her brother.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Strange Behavior