Nick Danger Feder's latest update for Tale of Boulderoth

Jan 20, 2016


I made a new map this week.  These are the Islands of Ma'i.  

The two big ones in the middle are the Islands of the Gods.  The four slightly smaller islands around the two central ones are the Islands of the Titans and all the other islands are the Islands of Spirits.  They're home to a people similar to ancient polynesians as well as a strange group of animals that seem to have a strange effect on local weather.

A long time ago, there were the Keima'i people.  One day, they were visited by a messenger from the gods.  He said "Some bad stuff is about to go down here.  You guys should split while you can." but most of the people were like "Get outta town, you knucklehead!"  Not long after, the islands were not so much invaded and occupied, but there was already a war happening among the Immortals and it spread to the Islands of Ma'i.  No one who stayed survived (or did they?).  The Immortals took the islands and the Keima'i who survived sailed the sea for a long time before finally discovering land on the southern coasts of Yhur.  There they were met by a new set of immortals bedecked in gold, astride giant animals.  These strange beings agreed to let the Keima'i people live in there sweet-ass jungle kingdom provided they paid their rent: human blood.  It wasn't the best set up, but the alternative was to go back to the emptiness of the vast ocean.  So the Keima'i people stayed.  Don't forget to pre-order your copy of Tale of Boulderoth today!  We've got just over two months left!  "The time has come." the walrus said.  "Goo goo g'joob."

Love and thanks as always.

Earth, sea, empire.