Anthony Jones III's latest update for Scarlet

Aug 8, 2016

  Hey, rebels.

  I really needed that break yesterday. Now, I feel 120%! So, as I said yesterday, Forgotten Stories(Aria) would be coming today! Expect it sometime today--my schedule always switch-up and stuff, so best not to set a predetermined time. I’ll speak a bit about Aria, and what to expect out of her before going on to other things.

  Aria is that character who isn’t easy to please, antisocial, but can be the most loyal friend you could ever have. She opens up to those she is comfortable with, and she’s not a daredevil like Noctis, but she carries out the role of being a scout by being in danger to reassure the numbers her comrades would go up against. From just the way she was in combat in the first chapter, you can tell that she has some experience. The main storyline will explain that experience, but in this chapter, you’ll see her through a different lens.

  I want to give a big thanks to Andrew Wood because of the review he wrote for Scarlet. I apologize that I’m late on this Andrew--I kept saying I would do it yesterday but it slipped my mind when my allergies kicked in. Anyways, big thanks to him, and the review will be below!

  A fascinating premise leads into a promising story. Scarlet is a thrilling, post-apocalyptic adventure that you can’t afford to miss! I’m looking forward to seeing more from this author.

  Also, I want to welcome the new rebels that are following Scarlet. You all have my thanks! I’m sure soon I will be emailing you guys that haven’t ordered to get you on board, including old followers as a reminder. Please, make sure to recommend, share, or mention my book to others so that more support could come pouring in. I’d really appreciate it! That will be all for this update, and remember...stay rebellious!

  From yours truly, A.J.III.