1252 words (5 minute read)

Chapter 2

Chapter 3, is now available

Human: Well how was I supposed to know that

Bob: I guess that’s interesting.

Human: robot creator: your just appeasing me. listen to what I have to say.

Bob: would have

robot creator: that’s it looks like I have to start over. time to shut down bob

Bob: It feels warm.

Robot creator: why does that make you happy?

Bob: it feels warm been.

I programmed the robot with the ability to choose many stock phrases and to make a sentence out of a couple hundred words. Unfortunately, this robot was very lazy. However for just being born, it was just fine. Still, it never grew out of it’s surly laziness phase. At the time, I’m not sure if this is what Bob had in mind. How could it be?

I grabbed a spaceship and put it on autopilot and watched the stars fly by. Worlds of possibility flashed by. I was frustrated, and although staring at the stars did make me happier. It did not make me calm. Why did Bob get stuck on one of the few planets frozen in time? Why did it have to happen at all? Why was the god of this universe so cruel that it allowed things to happen far removed from any semblance of logic or reason.

All of a sudden out of nowhere, Bob the robot appeared.







Brian: Who is they?

In Entered, Billy, Sally, and Dave.

Billy had done years of travel through space all across the galaxy. He particularly liked traveling through it at warp speed. His body had to have been stretched and compacted thousands of time due to the changes in gravity of the planets he passed. The space-ship and med-bay doctors could only do so much. However, he was fine.

Billy: Hey Brian. You’ve got to stop doing this to yourself. Otherwise they’ll wipe you with a happiness file.

Happiness files like their present day counterparts are drugs that make the person forget traumatic experiences and replace them with better experiences. It was a noble pursuit. Of course, he didn’t want to forget Bob. Even if that meant having to remember his death.

Brian: I was wondering if we could bring him back. We could travel to the place in the world with the most energy. Siphon it out and transfer just a fraction to the furthest place in the universe, closest to the beginning. The place were bob was staying. Maybe, we can, we can save him. I know we can. All we have to do is. (voice was speeding up and becoming inaudible)(They already cured what he had, but you wouldn’t know it by his behavior.)

Sally was looking incredulous. Her eyes were widening with concern. Her lips were quivering. Sally was incredibly attractive, and incredibly intelligent. She had a masters in computational physics and reduced the time it took to teleport by 1 hour. She was working on creating matter out of drawings. It was just as crazy as it sounded. With a special pen, neurological data was transferred to the matter in the drawings and then with her technology. The drawing was supposed to come alive. As you may have guessed she was also a purveyor of ancient wizard literature. Some of which, she believed to be biographical until she ran into a brick wall at the 12 and ¾ train station.

Sally:(slow and comforting) Look, I know you want to save bob. I do too, but all energy dies in that part of the universe. Bob tried what you tried, and it did work. It was amazing. He was able to stay there and transfer energy to the furthest reaches of space. I was really proud of him, but it only kept him alive for so long.

Brian: What if we.

Dave was extremely intelligent and believed in science to the letter. He didn’t believe in dogmas or superstitions and believed that pretty much everything could be and had to be emphatically proven.

Dave: Look Brian, it’s not gonna work. This is stupid. It takes more energy to transfer something out of heat death then it does to just let it be. Everything you to try to save him will just make things worse. I told Bob the same thing he didn’t listen. Now I’m telling you, stop this now.

Bob the Robot:She am Sleep Academically acquirement

Sally: Why is your robot insulting me.

Brian: I don’t know. I guess he agrees with dave.

Sally: Cold logical bastard.

Dave: I don’t think we disagreed. I just think the robots sexist.

Billy: I thought we moved past this in the 30th century. This is one insensitive robot.

Brian: He’s one day old give him a break.

Dave: youve been programming him for 3 years. Just because this is the first time it’s seen the world that doesn’t meant it’s the first day it’s able to think. Remember it’s a computer.

Sally: Don’t call it a computer. It’s a robot.

Brian: What’s wrong with it being a computer?

Sally:But computer’s are based on ancient technology.

Brian: Sometimes you have to start from scratch to get things right.

Dave: Sometimes you have to start from scratch to get things wrong too.

Bob the robot: She blame because Anecdote Abbreviating you.

Sally: Are you not allowing the robot to say everything it wants to say.

Bob the robot: I swear to god I don’t know what it’s talking about.

Dave: I think you do. You just want a robot to do your bidding.

Brian: How dare you say that, you know it’s not true.

Dave: Sorry. I can see how that could make you kinda furious.

The story is interrupted to tell another portion of robot history.

Councilmember 1: I truly do feel for you, but we can’t allow robots to vote.

Robot citizen: He amused accosting ancestrally

Councilmember 1: It’s nothing like that, but if machines voted we’d have to get rid of electronic voting, and it’s extremely efficient. There are too many people today to count using the ancient ways.

Robot Citizen: you were becoming because anatomies blame with him.

Councilmember 1: This is a serious matter. Why don’t you treat it that way?

Robot Citizen: they am agree because adversion ambition with her

Councilmember: Are you talking about me

Robot Citizen: How do you want me to interpret it?

Councilmember: are you talking about me.

Robot Citizen: Then you should have to answer now

Councilmember: I assume, yes

Robot Citizen: I guess that’s interesting.

Councilmember: That concludes our meeting your request to allow robots to vote is denied.

Robot citizen: they means because accomplish now

A gathering of human and robot protestors is seen outside.

Chant: Let robots vote

Next Chapter: Chapter 3