660 words (2 minute read)

Stage One: A Seemingly Impossible Quest

3 hours la-Wait, 3 hours later my ass! It’s just a friggin’ short walk from the crash site! And it’s not even a town, it’s a frickin’ city!

Towering skyscrapers stood before us, the city has walls erected around it, and...I think things are expensive here...

"And so it was..."

"And so it was...", That’s all that you’re gonna say? I thought that you were a resident of this world!

"I am, but I didn’t expect that your landing site, or perhaps, crash site, was so close to the city of Havengarde."

And you didn’t expect that?!?



Skill UP: Arguing has been raised to Level 1!


I sigh at the fact that my Arguing skill has been raised to level 1, I wonder how many useless skills are there...

*sigh* Where do you actually live?

"At the captial, Perso Coputa."

That’s one hell of a name...

It sounds like "Personal Computer"...

Didn’t you also say that we’re at Havengarde?

"Yeah, so, shall we enter?"

Have no choice, need some new clothes to fit in at least.

My clothes are now in tatters, most likely from the fall.

First things, first! We need to get armor.


Because I look like crap.


Second, Equipment and Potions

"How did you know there were potions here?"

I kinda took a wild guess...

"There should be a blacksmith somewhere."

Great! Now for the last part...


Yep. Quests.

2 hours later...

Holy crap, this city is HUGE, it took us a long time to find a single decent shop!

Skill UP: Exploring has been raised to Level 2!

Amazing, my Exploring skill has gone up two levels...

The city streets were a maze, it took us almost an hour to find a tailor shop, even a blacksmith!

"At least we got our equipment."

Good point.

"Shall we go to a bar? Usually quest givers go there."

Might as well, I’m flushed and I certainly need a drink.

"How bout’ here? The Hero’s Break, I heard that their drinks are the best around here."

Hmm...Let’s try it!

We entered the bar and sat down in one of the tables.

Time to check my XP!

I look around my field of view, and found that my XP has gone to...

Seriously? 500/5500 XP? Level 10?

"You didn’t look at it before?"

No...looks like I went up 10 levels, with only 3 skill level ups.

"That landing must have glitched the XP system"

It can do that?

"I honestly don’t know..."

A waitress was approaching us with two menus in hand.

May I take your order?, she said, giving us the menus.

Uh...One glass of beer please, and a dragon ribs meal.

"I’ll have the same"

We handed our menus to the waitress after she finished writing down our orders.

This inn has a cozy feel to it.

"I know, it feels great"

Then the door was kicked open.

What the?

A blue haired girl walked in, sat down on a bar stool, then just said her order to the bartender.

Rum, on the rocks.

The bartender then proceeded to get a bottle on the shelf, pull out a small glass, put a lot of ice in it, and then poured the contents of the bottle onto the glass.


I stood up, closed the door, and went back to my seat.

Who’s that?

"She’s Azura, a famous bounty hunter that suddenly appeared one day"

I’m getting a cold chill just from her.

"She’s described as the Cold Hunter, ironic right?"