Mike Donald's latest update for LOUISIANA BLOOD - A Chandler Travis and Duke Lanoix mystery.

Jun 30, 2016

Hi knife wielding followers, 

just a little splash of news, I have now been officially welcomed into the hallowed halls of Quilldom...there was a lot of funny handshakes and strange creatures in masks, but it’s all over now and I am awaiting my mission instructions before the next stage.  

I am also piqued to discover that I am number one in the mystery community...which I’m sure is a whole heap better news than a lower number...unless the scoring is rather like POINTLESS in which case more is less if that makes sense...

Anyway, I should also take this opportunity to steer you in the direction of a stonkingly great read by Peter Ryan, smash hit author of Sync City...his latest work is called Destiny Imperfect and is one of the two books I’m supporting this month and beyond.  So check it out or tell a friend!  DESTINY IMPERFECT 

The other book I love is called PROXY, if you like the idea of a collection of pop artists selling their souls to live forever, than this might just be you cup of tea...