Prescott Harvey's latest update for In Beta

Oct 31, 2019

Imagine you are a coyote trotting through the woods. You come across a freshly plucked chicken lying on the forest floor. You sniff the chicken, mistrustful. But, being a coyote, you decide to take a bite. Immediately, steel jaws clamp around your leg. You are trapped. If you ever want to see your wife and pups again, you must first gnaw through your paw. So you set to work.

It takes you years. Every time you think you are free, the jaws clamp tighter. But one day, finally, you finish. You emerge bloody, dirty, missing a leg. But free! FINALLY FREE!!

That’s pretty much been my experience writing IN BETA. Thanks everyone for sticking with me. Today I handed over my final manuscript and I am now a FREE MAN. Amazingly, I’ve still held onto that chicken and somehow managed to tenderize it, roast it, and season it irresistibly.

So, more details to come, including final release date, which will be Spring of next year, cover design, etc. But at this moment, ima limp off and introduce myself to the kids I’m supposed to be fathering. 

Happy Halloween and beware the chicken!