Rochelle Campbell's latest update for Fury From Hell

Feb 27, 2017

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Evening Everyone!  I am super excited because I’ve uploaded 5 more chapters so you have a total of 6 chapters to read -- Wahoo. :-)

The entire book is completed but I am open to feedback and comments from you to make this story better.

More exciting news -- 10 books have been pre-sold!  Readers, I thank you all for your support!  Please share this book/link with your friends, family and colleagues so that this book can be in your hands later this year.

Okay, ready for even more better news?  I am an approved vendor for ICON 32 happening March 17 - 19 on Long Island, NY.  It’s the Northeast’s largest nonprofit scifi convention!  Check it out here:

Hope to see some of you there!

In the meantime, Ta-ta for now.

~ Rochelle