Frederick Street's latest update for Ereshk

Jan 8, 2019

The end date for my pre-order campaign was yesterday, and I’ve just received word that the refunds have been processed. Thanks to everyone on the Inkshares team for always being quick to answer my questions, I really appreciate it.

If you’re reading this, unfortunately, I didn’t make the cut. I’ve learned a lot over the last few months, and I’ve had a lot to think about regarding what I could’ve done better. One thing I’m sure of is that most of my pre-orders came from the Inkshares community itself. Those of you I have never met in person and ordered my novel solely off of interest in the material. That gives me hope that I might just have something of value here. Thank you all so much for that.

To my friends and family who ordered, I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. You put up with my extremely amateur marketing attempts for a long time and stuck with me anyway. You are forever awesome, and I can’t thank you enough.

To all my fellow contestants, I implore you, congratulate yourselves. You put yourself out there, and that is a HUGE step. If you didn’t get selected, or didn’t meet the quota, you still accomplished something. It’s not over.

Those of you who got the green light, congratulations as well. It was well-earned, and I look forward to diving into those stories.

As for me?

Not sure.

I have some decisions to make as far as the future of Ereshk, whether I give it another shot here or take my show on the road. Right now, I think I’ll be working on what I’ve got for a while and do everything I can to make it better. I owe you all that for getting me this far. Even though I didn’t make it, meeting you all has been an invaluable experience, and I’m glad for this crazy year.

The show must go on.

I’ll be sending out updates here to let you know what happens, and I’m active on Instagram if you like.

Thanks again everyone, it’s been an honor.

Until next time.

Oh, and there’s more stories I have to tell. 

Oh yeah. This is not the end.

Stay tuned.