1928 words (7 minute read)

Chapter 2

Shayla watched as Bryan walked toward the ringing bell. She turned and strolled into the house. Once inside she took a moment to look around at Bryan and Daniel’s home. It was rather clean for having two young men for residents. Their mother must have taught them well, she thought. She peered into Bryan’s room and seeing no one inside, veered around toward the opposite room taking off her pack and setting it by the table. Daniel lay in his bed still sleeping. Shayla could hear the bell, only slightly muffled, as it continued to ring outside and wondered how he could sleep through such a commotion. She stared at him for a moment as she stood in the doorway of his room. She had known for two years she would need to meet this man and embark on a journey with him. She had often wondered about Daniel, not knowing anything about him but his name. Now that the time was upon her, she felt apprehensive as she loitered. Resolving herself, she shuffled slowly to the bed and timidly took a seat on the end. Unable to muster the courage to shake him she sat looking at him for a while. He bore a remarkable resemblance to Bryan, though his features were less rigid than those of his brother. Daniel finally stirred upon the conclusion of the distant ringing of the bell. He yawned and his eyes began to open slightly. He didn’t notice Shayla at the foot of the bed until he rolled onto his back and was startled by her presence. "Sorry, she said softly, "I was too nervous to wake you." Daniel took a calming breath and asked, "who are you and why are you in my room?" He looked at her, actually noticing her features for the first time and blushed and stammered, "not that I mind, waking up to a beautiful woman. Not to say that I wake up to beautiful women, or any women. I only mean to say that you are beautiful and I don’t mind seeing you." Daniel blushed more and looked away shaking his head." Shayla blushed as well and giggled a little before saying, "I think I understand your meaning and thank you for the compliment. I am Shayla, I met your brother, Bryan, earlier and he invited me to wait inside while he attended the village gathering." Daniel jumped out of bed in response. "There is a gathering? I should be there too." He started toward the door but Shayla stopped him placing a hand on his arm. "Bryan will tell you everything you will need to know. We have more important matters of which to speak. What do you remember of the oracle you and Bryan met six years ago?" Daniel sat back down and replied, "at the time, I didn’t even know he was anything other than a kind old man. He helped us after our mother died and taught us how to survive on our own. Bryan told me the old man was an oracle shortly after we came to Krif. He said the oracle told him we would each have our own path to take at some point and we would both need to be ready when the time came." Shayla considered his words and said, "That sounds clear enough. I know not of your time with the oracle or what Bryan was told but I am here to travel with you on your journey to him." He sat in though for a moment then replied, "when are we leaving and why must we go to meet him at all?"

"I beleive we will be off as soon as possible. We will speak with Bryan when he returns. As for why we must seek the oracle, there is much for you too learn from him before you are ready for your true calling." He looked puzzled and asked, "what is my true calling?"

"I do not know. I am only repeating what I was told you would need to hear," She said, ruefully. "Why has he not simply come to meet me here? Where are we to find him? he inquired. Shayla giggled again and smiled "you ask many questions for which I have no true answers. I suppose the oracle would say that the journey is often more important than the destination. As for our destination I was told he would meet us in the place where you last saw him." She put her hand on his and squeezed gently "Please Daniel, come with me. All questions will be answered when we find him." he squeezed her hand and replied, "Very well, I will go. How could I ever say no to you?" She giggled as she said, "another question for which I have no answer." He started to laugh as well.

After the laughter died down, Daniel grabbed his pack and started filling it with clothing and supplies he may need on the road. He was almost finished packing when he heard the front door open and Bryan strode into the living area. "Oh good, you’re awake and already packing. I assume our new friend informed you of the situation. I need to pack as well. I’ve brought some food to eat now as well as some items that will keep longer for your journey." Daniel set his pack down and walked out of his room. "Shayla has told me where our course is headed but not of yours"

"I doubt she would know unless she is an oracle as well, I only just learned of it myself. I will be leaving at dawn tomorrow, as well as five others. Knights will be coming to take us to the capital. The king has decreed that all men age sixteen through nineteen are to be conscripted and Joshua and I volunteered to fill the village quota. Lucky you, you barely missed the cut off." He looked at Daniel and resolutely said, "There are more important plans for you anyway. I’m going to pull my pack together. Can you fix us some breakfast?"

"Of course," Daniel said as he moved to start a fire in the hearth. As he began to prepare the eggs and ham he thought about how Bryan seemed to be able to take anything in stride and that he wished he were as sure of himself as Bryan seemed to be. His thoughts were interrupted when Shayla walked closer to assist with the cooking. "Please, have a seat at the table," he said "as our guest I will prepare the meal for you." She moved to the a chair and sat. "Such a gentleman," she replied.

Bryan came out of his room carrying a sword belt and bow in his hands with a quiver of arrows hanging from his shoulder. "I’ll put these by your pack for now. Then I’m ready to eat" Daniels put the food on each of the three plates on the table. They all sat at the table and enjoyed their shared meal of eggs, ham, bread and cheese. Once they were finished, Bryan took the remaining food he brought and placed it into Daniels pack. "This should keep you for a while but you know how to forage and hunt for food so you won’t have any problems. I want to walk the first few miles with you, if you don’t mind?" Shayla smiled and Daniel said, "I would like that, just how it used to be, we head out on the road together." Daniel put on his sword belt and picked up his pack to which the bow and quiver were attached. Shayla put on her pack and walked out the door followed by Daniel and Bryan. The sun had crept half way up the eastern sky as they started toward it on the road out of Krif. After passing the farmland at the edge of the village, they walked through several miles of flat grass plain. They walked in silence for a long while, taking in the cool autumn day. It went unsaid but the day reminded both brother’s of that fateful day so many years before. It seemed appropriate their lives would once again be changed forever on such a day. As they walked, neither brother could formulate words into what they wished to say and Shayla walked in silence realizing the inner turmoil they must be feeling. The sun peaked and started slowly descending in the west and the silence was broken. The three walked and enjoyed each other’s company and conversation for a few miles until they slowed before the road passed north of the Pricel forest. Bryan sat on the grassy ground off the path and set out the food he brought as the other two followed. They ate and conversed lightly with much reminiscence and laughter. Shayla had quickly become comfortable with them as they had with her. Brian looked to the sun, now almost half way down the western sky and stood. "It is time we part ways," he said addressing Shayla. "Thank you for coming to help Daniel. I wish you well on your journey. I would like a moment with my brother." Shayla bowed her head in acceptance replying, "Safe travels to you as well" and walked a short distance from the two. "Daniel," Brian began, "Take care of that girl and keep her safe. We both have hard journeys ahead. Believe in yourself and you will not fail." Daniel’s eyes started to well up with tears and he looked down sniffling, "I know I can do this, it’s just hard to leave." Bryan pulled his brother in and hugged him, "Never feel ashamed of your feelings, don’t bury them all inside. I’m bound to explode from doing that one of these days." Daniel hugged him back, "I don’t remember a time without you, I’m going to miss you. Will we see each other again?" Bryan paused for a moment and separated from Daniel. He looked him in the eyes and said, "I have no doubt, I don’t plan on dying anytime soon, no matter what anyone else says. I love you, brother. Stay safe out there." Daniel wiped away his tears, "I love you too, Bryan. Keep fighting." He turned and walked to Shayla, put on his pack and turned his head sharing one last look with his brother before starting on the road east. Bryan bowed his head to them and took the path returning home.

Daniel and Shayla continued on the road until dusk was nearly upon them. They spoke very little after departing from Bryan. They set up camp a short distance from the road and shared a meal by the fire. The last light of the sun faded and the stars began to shine in the sky. Being weary from the day, they each lay in their bed roll and fell into relaxing sleep.

It was long after sunset when Bryan finally stepped foot into his house. He looked around the dark empty room and realized he would be leaving it behind in the morning. With his brother on his own journey there was little to keep him here even if he didn’t have his own responsibility. He walked to his room and dropped into his bed hoping to get a few hours of rest before dawn.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3