Luke Fellner

A young author, musician, christian, and student who writes  all sorts of fiction. Check out my Western The Burned!
Luke is the author of
The Burned follows eight travelers on a hunt for gold, each with their own reason. Only the survivors will get their treasure. A brutal story of companionship and betrayal.
Books Luke Recommends
Very well written fantasy story, I highly recommend anyone who loves fairies and magic to consider this book.
Fairy-companions weren’t unheard-of. Unusual, but not unheard-of. Rare. Legendary, even. Oliver couldn’t remember a time without his.
Fascinating story about a journalists' experience in Ecuador. What more do I need to say? Check it out!
Very well written and interesting. Well worth your time to check it out!
London. Just a routine day? A death in a train station thrusts John to a world of espionage, politics and Jihadi terrorism
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