Laramie Dean

Laramie Dean is a Montana writer of queer horror fiction and the director of theatre at Hellgate High School. He has recently published several short stories and plays. Follow him on Instagram and Facebook at bylaramiedean.
Laramie is the author of
Inspired by the dark labyrinthine narration of Shirley Jackson’s Hangsaman: a young gay man battles with reality as it seemingly dissolves around him, forcing him to fight a series of ever-more frightening supernatural creatures.
Haunted by the ghost of a jealous warlock, David must revisit his past in order to lay the spirit of his first love to rest.
Books Laramie Recommends
Couldn't put it down; the prose and scares carried me right up until that last terrifying page.
It was supposed to be a simple publicity stunt: four famous horror authors spending the night in one of the world’s most notorious haunted houses. But their presence awakens an evil that will haunt them long after they leave...
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