Eva P Szymanski · Reader · added over 8 years ago
Agreed that I like the covers with the mountains on them. The covers with light bulbs and matches don't match well with the title "Unscalable" though I know their concepts match the concept of the book. The carabiner is very meh. I personally like the original mountain, though the floating one is good too.
Luke Cheng · Reader · added over 8 years ago
I really strongly prefer #3 (Floating Mountain). The flat aesthetic simply makes sense given the design direction within the tech industry over the last few years (and in fact the illustration could be cleaned up to be flatter, with no thin-line borders). The connection with the mountain and the title is obvious but effective, and the fact that it's floating is a visual allusion to a cloud and references the loftiness of tech valuations and the difficultly of scaling.

It just looks cool - I also think that photo covers, if there's no visual originality to it, looks cheap.

Hey everyone! 

Here's the deal: I need your help choosing a cover design concept. 

I know it's been a while since the last update, but that's mostly because I've been busy refining the manuscript. It's done with developmental editing and copyediting, so now comes design. We've come up with a few high level ideas (i.e., not the final images), and we want YOUR feedback on which one you like the most! (Images not showing up? View them all here: http://cl.ly/3h1M280Z2v1T)

1. Matches

2. Lightbulbs

3. Carabiner

4. Mountain

5. Original (with updated typefaces and colors)

Again, keep in mind that these are not final, just concepts to go on. Let us know in the comments which is your favorite! 


P.S. Interested in getting an advance copy of the manuscript? We're looking for influencers to read advance copies and provide a blurb for the cover. If you or someone you know is an influential author or figure in the startup community, message me on Twitter

Dave Barrett · Author · added over 8 years ago
Hey Charlie!  I preordered your book :)  If you've got referral credits, you mind hitting me back and helping me hit my preorder goal?  Thanks! - Dave

We did it! 100% funded!

Thank you so much for your support! Unscalable is now 100% funded, which means that it is guaranteed to go to print and be distributed to bookstores. 

Pricing has also switched over to a more conventional model, with e-books being available for $9.99 and paperbacks available for $15.99. 

I honestly can't thank you all enough. I always assumed that if I ever became an author, it would be a long ways down the road, but now I'm only a few short months away from my own physical books. I'll be sure to keep you all updated about the publishing process as it progresses.  

But wait, there's more! The GitHub interview!

I've literally just finished editing the GitHub interview, and as promised, you are the first ones to hear about it. 

"The Future of Version Control": Tom Preston-Werner talks about the early days of GitHub

Let me know what you think!


Updated prices! New content! Exciting things! 

You're all busy people, so here's a TL;DR:

  • We're at 65%! If you haven't shared already, click here to share
  • Based on votes the next chapter is gonna be GitHub!
  •  Inkshares now has a simpler, two-option pre-order model. A) I want this book. B) I want multiple copies of this book. 

Read on if you want more details:

Updated Prices

Inkshares, the company responsible for book publishing/printing, has just moved to a simpler crowdfunding model that's better for writers and readers alike. 

The funding goal is now based on number of copies sold, rather than total dollars raised. This gives them a much better sense of how many people want to read the book, independent of ebook/print format, and they're willing to subsidize early adopters. This means that if you pre-ordered at the "Seed Stage" tier, you'll now be getting both a print AND an ebook, and if you pre-ordered at the "Growth Stage" tier, you'll be getting multiple copies of the book. 

New Content

Based on the votes, the next chapter to be released is going to be GitHub! I've already recorded the interview, so it's a matter of transcribing the audio and editing the content. Tom Preston-Werner is a great guy, and it's a solid interview about how the co-founders got together and bootstrapped a V1. 

Exciting Things

Funding progress is still going well (I am loathe to use the phrase "killing it"), as we've hit the 65% mark. However, if you haven't already shared, it would mean a ton if you could tweet or post a link to Facebook (click here to tweet). Or, if you recommend the book through Inkshares, you can get $15 in credits for more books (or, uh, more copies of my book?).

The faster the funding goal hits 100%, the faster I can worry less about promo and devote more energy to editing and making a quality book.

Questions? Email me at charlie [at] guo.io, or find me on twitter @charlierguo. 


M Tabulo · Reader · added about 9 years ago
samuraicode · Reader · added about 9 years ago

Sunny Juneja · Reader · added about 9 years ago
Michael Liu · Reader · added about 9 years ago
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