Charlie Guo's latest update for Unscalable

Sep 29, 2015

Hey everyone! 

Here's the deal: I need your help choosing a cover design concept. 

I know it's been a while since the last update, but that's mostly because I've been busy refining the manuscript. It's done with developmental editing and copyediting, so now comes design. We've come up with a few high level ideas (i.e., not the final images), and we want YOUR feedback on which one you like the most! (Images not showing up? View them all here:

1. Matches

2. Lightbulbs

3. Carabiner

4. Mountain

5. Original (with updated typefaces and colors)

Again, keep in mind that these are not final, just concepts to go on. Let us know in the comments which is your favorite! 


P.S. Interested in getting an advance copy of the manuscript? We're looking for influencers to read advance copies and provide a blurb for the cover. If you or someone you know is an influential author or figure in the startup community, message me on Twitter