Sydney N. Fulkerson's latest update for The Coffee Run: And Other Internship Need-to-Knows

Feb 14, 2015

Dear readers, supporters, and people potentially tired of hearing about my funding updates,

I have great news: the book is funded! Before my deadline, even! This is wonderful because now I can shift my "can I please have some money for publication" mindset to one that is excited to write. The production process is in the works. In the meantime, I will continue to reach out to students, book speaking events, develop partnerships, and promote this book like crazy. 

Thank you to my sponsors and to everyone who supported my book to help it get to publication. I am looking forward to this journey just as much as you are looking forward to reading my book! That's why you preordered it, right?

"If you want something badly enough, you'll do all you can to get there."

All the best,
