Michael Slusser's latest update for Leaf Falling

Sep 3, 2016

Well, loyal followers and generous pre-orderers, we’re into a new week. We’re holding strong in the top ten, but we need to keep moving forward in this long journey to reach triumph and greatness. If you haven’t put in a pre-order, why not keep the momentum going by doing so right now? Your hands are already on your device: wouldn’t it be so simple and fulfilling to make the world a better place with a few simple taps of your fingers? An overwhelming sense of peace and joy will be yours.*

If you want to find out how Leaf is ensnared by the will of powerful forces, how she meets the tenacious Alcanor or the canny Rhyslowe, and just how far her journeys will carry her, encourage your friends, neighbors, family, more intellectual pets, and discerning contacts of every flavor to put in their vote--risk free!--as soon as may be.

You are all people of wisdom and excellence. Thank you.

*I am legally mandated to observe that, of course, no monetary expenditure can guarantee either peace or joy, even if it’s for really engrossing and worthwhile literature. But I’m pretty sure that’s what will happen.