Author Chelsea Moye's latest update for Frost: An Otherworld Tale

Jul 4, 2016

All, thank you for the support. We have 20 days left, and 195 copies to go. I was hoping for better results from the interview with The Hangin’ With Show, but I haven’t given up yet. If we can just get to within 20-30 copies of goal, my husband could buy enough copies to make this happen! So, if you’ve been following Frost but haven’t ordered your copy yet, I urge you to do so! I feel like this dream is slipping through my fingers, and I just can’t stand for that. I realize that I’m asking for a miracle, here, but the enormity of the situation is not going to stop me from asking for exactly that.

If you don’t have the cash to make a pre-order, please refer your friends who read to this project. For every successful referral from the Inkshares page, you can earn credits that could make it possible for you to purchase a copy of Frost without any actual cash leaving your bank account. We’re in the home stretch, and I need all the help I can get. I’m perfectly willing to exchange reviews and recommendations for pre-orders, too. If I had disposable income right now, I would be supporting my fellow authors by making mutual purchases of copies. Unfortunately, I’ve been unemployed since January, so I can only give you my time and my promotional efforts. 

Please don’t let the past ten years of hard work be in vain--help me make my dream come true and I promise I’ll do the same for you in return!