Erin Butler's latest update for Farm Boy

Apr 29, 2016

Advertising update (’orrible, innit?):

Elan Samuel has been kind enough to post up a three-question interview with me at the Warbler Books site, so if you’re curious about what I type like at 2 AM, you can wander over there for a chuckle.

I’ve got a short radio interview done that I’ll post later this week as well.  Just a brief (13 minutes or so) friendly with the local station I had a show with for a few years, but it’s fun for the curious.

For Farm Boy itself, I have ended up redoing pretty much all of the third chapter because I realized almost the entire chapter was in flashbacks, and unless petite madeleines are involved that’s not a great way for the story to go.  So more revisions before popping out the start of the third.  A bit later than hoped, but for sound reasons.