Frederick Street's latest update for Ereshk

Oct 26, 2018

Once again, just want to toss a quick thank you out to everyone that pre-ordered this week. You rock. To the people that joined Inkshares just for me: You now get emails whenever I update something. I know. I’m sorry. Sort of. 

Special shout out to Celso Hurtado, 1st place in the Horror Contest with The Ghost Tracks, and Patrick R Delaney, 2nd place with The House That Fell From The Sky. Excellent authors, check them out if you haven’t already. I’m looking forward to both of their stories.

In the spirit of Halloween, I decided I’m going to put up one final sample chapter of Ereshk. We’re gonna follow along with Beckwith during a ritual in the inner sanctum of Abaddon Temple. Fun stuff.

Everyone else in either of the contests and anyone discovering how bad self-promotion and marketing sucks, as well as anyone grinding away on a draft right now: Hang in there. We’ll all get there sooner or later.