Yann Rousselot's latest update for Dawn of the Algorithm

Nov 17, 2014

Dear Readers, 

Just a little message to keep you updated on how things are progressing. 
I've been working with a very talented editor, Jaimee Garbacik, to polish these poems to needle-point. She has given me invaluable feedback on how to provide you with the best possible reading experience. 
I got the editorial package on Friday night. I was out at a lit event in Paris called the "Poetry Brothel" (which you should check out, it started up in NYC and it's not as creepy as it sounds) and came home as soon as I saw the email on my phone. I read on into the night feeling very pleased that someone had put so much time into analysing what is good about my work, and what can be improved. For any writer, this is a great honour and source of warm fuzzy feelings. 
In other news, artwork has been coming in steadily, only a few missing pieces, and we will soon be ready to begin the next phase of the process.  
Stay tuned...