Austin Bouse's latest update for BLOOD TRADE

Nov 2, 2015

To all the new followers, welcome! To the old ones, thank you for staying put! We're now up to ten pre-orders within the first four days of the campaign! While I think that's great, I do think we should boost the signal a little bit. I'm doing all sorts of postings on various social media platforms, but I am going to need some help if we're going to reach our goal of 750 or more. So, if you could, please let others know about the campaign! I'd truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. In other news, I'm got some things lined up for Thanksgiving and Christmas that I think are going to be fun for y'all (sorry, I'm from Texas). I'll try and do some updates in between then. Again, thank you all so much for the support and remember. . . Drink blood responsibly. 