Ryan Cook's latest update for A Tale of Ghosts and Guardians

Oct 31, 2016

Happy Halloween Ghosts and Guardians!

I hope your day is filled with tricks and treats (and no rocks). To my 61 followers this is the final spotlight of the Tale of Ghosts and Guardians Monster Files. It’s a grand one. It’s a powerful one. It’s a frightening one. It is Witches.

Witches are humans who have learned and practiced the difficult art of magic. Magic can be taught to any being, but the lessons are kept secret by the centuries old human organization. Magic is an alteration of the physical world, controlled by the witch, who had offered a totem or part of their spirit to gain that control. Knowing the cost of power, witches utilize social and institutional tricks and persuasion to meet their ends. Witches are very selective, and any magic user who does not practice according to their long established rules will be financially ruined, publicly ostracized, or just plain killed.

Witches operate as a mafia-like organization in A Tale of Ghosts and Guardians. If something supernatural is happening they are usually involved, or they are aware enough to be ready to use the paranormal event to their advantage. When the witches do eventually encounter the characters of A Tale of Ghosts and Guardians, the characters have one clear choice, join the witches or die. 

I hope you all enjoyed these short segments devoted to the monsters of A Tale of Ghosts and Guardians. Much of the joy of writing has been taking these long established monsters and creatures and giving them updated stories and realistic themes. Let me know if there is anything you want to know more about.