K.L. Noone's latest update for A Prophecy for Two

Aug 6, 2018

A thank-you, and a bonus scene!

More specifically, first, THANK YOU to everyone! You should be getting your copies very soon, if not already - Inkshares has begun shipping them out! The ebook and the paperback will also be available on Amazon as of August 21 - so you can acquire more copies for you or someone else!

Just a quick note - reviews and ratings and recommendations really do matter, so I’d love it if you could do that, whether on Amazon or Goodreads or anyplace else you hang out! Of course it’s absolutely helpful for authors (especially new ones!) as far as visibility, but it’s also great for fellow readers, introducing them to books and stories. So, thank you!

And I’ve promised you a bonus scene! It is available for free on my website, right here, with the other book trivia for Prophecy  - it does contain spoilers, though, so make sure you’ve finished the book first! It’s set very slightly in the future, and it’s from Tir’s point of view...

Feel free to poke around the website, too - you can find all the other things that I’ve published and things that are coming soon, like my paranormal m/m romance from JMS Books, or the reissue of my older m/m contemporary erotica, out this month - or the upcoming polyamory anthology from Less Than Three Press, for which I am writing about a triad of superheroes (well, one superhero, one former sidekick, and one redeemed former villain) in love, and also garlic bread.

Thank you again, and I hope you’re enjoying Prophecy!