K.L. Noone's latest update for A Prophecy for Two

Jan 18, 2017

Hi, marvelous readers!

We’ve reached light publication (the Quill level) and joined the Quill collection here on Inkshares, so we’re moving into production! Yay! *throws confetti*

They’ve told me the timeline moving forward will be roughly ten months until readers get their copies in their hands; this has to do with time needed for a round of light copyediting, getting the back cover (design, any text, etc) done, shipping of physical copies, and so on. (I admit I was hoping it’d be a bit faster, since Inkshares is a nontraditional publisher - but I’m not complaining!) We’ll see if we can’t speed that up a small amount, though, since the cover art’s already done and it should be a fairly clean manuscript (I correct student writing for a living, after all...), but in any case: we’re into production, and I’m so excited! I’ll keep you updated as things progress...