Kurtis McConnell's latest update for Horizon Z

Aug 13, 2017

Thank you for showing interest in my drunken musings! I have been interested in writing since I was very young and always enjoyed it, even going on to college where I could study History and English hoping that I could share my two greatest passions with others. After a few hangups and a stint in the military, I finally got into an elixir that lets words that are trapped in my brain flow through my fingers without so much as a second thought. That is what I have shared so far. Only three chapters, all unedited, all with the help of a little bit of Dead Guy Ale and other favorites. 

This book is an idea that has been rattling around in my head for a long time but I started to actually put words on paper in memory of a friend of my back in the Navy. Many told me that I shouldn’t make it public in case I should lose my motivation to finish the project but between my love of writing, my love of my friend, and my love for alcohol, I plan on being finished writing and editing this book by Christmas this year.

I’m excited to share this idea with you, and I should have a cover for the book in the coming weeks. Share my book with your friends meanwhile, let them know that zombies aren’t just Nazis living at the center of the Earth, nor are they just country bumpkins turned zombies because of a radiation leak on a  government truck driving through the bayou, but they are also Cold War era, Russian cosmonauts trapped on Mars.