Ricky Ruszin's latest update for Showtime

Jul 27, 2022

Hi everyone,

I haven’t sent out any Showtime news in a while, but that doesn’t mean that things haven’t been happening behind the scenes. Far from it!

We didn’t make our goal date of releasing this past June (we ended up doing one more round of edits, which turned out to be a blessing because the book is so, so much better for it), but lots of progress has been made over the past few months to get Showtime into the best possible shape before it makes it into your hands.

Since my last update, here are some things that we’ve been working on (and finishing!):

✔ All rounds of developmental edits are done

✔ Both rounds of copyedits are done

✔ Initial typesetting (finalizing the layout and making it look like a book instead of a Microsoft Word file) is done

✔ I collaborated with a kick-ass artist, Courtney Payne, who created 4 original pieces of phenomenal interior art (seriously, I can’t wait for you to see them)

This week, I received the final proofread of the book and have been going through to approve the changes, which I’ll finish by the end of this week. After that, the typesetter will incorporate the changes, and then I believe we’re on to cover design (which, if you’re keeping track, means we’re very close to the end here). 

More info. to come, and thanks again for your continued support and enthusiasm!


P.S. As a teaser, here’s the first typeset page of Showtime looking like a real book (the blue comment dots won’t appear in the final copy):