K.L. Noone's latest update for A Prophecy for Two

Jun 18, 2018

Production schedule update, website, and some news!

The final cover for Prophecy has been submitted and gone through editing, and we’re actually a bit ahead of the estimated production schedule - it looks like we should be shipping books by August 7, instead of the 21st! I’m so excited to see the final version, and to share it with all of you!

Also, I’ve been overhauling and adding lots of new things to my old wordpress site, so come check it out and follow me! There’s a lot - from my other books and stories (mostly romance, mostly paranormal, mostly LGBTQA+), to some bonus scenes and extras and my playlists for stories, to upcoming releases and appearances!

Speaking of upcoming appearances, at the end of the month I’ll be doing a guest blog over on Nicole Field’s blog, all about romance and representation and the upcoming (from Less Than Three Press) polyamory anthology Happiness in Numbers, of which I am a part, so look for that! Also, if you happen to be near Sydney, Australia, I will be there next week for the IASPR conference (that’s the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance), wearing an odd combination of the Romance Writer Hat and the Professor Hat. (Metaphorically speaking. I don’t even really wear hats. Not often, anyway.) I am giving an actual paper, and getting a small amount of travel grant money, so that will be nice. And come say hi if you’re around!

Third, in the category of People Saying Nice Things – Gail Carriger (yes, THAT Gail Carriger!) reviewed my first novel, A Demon for Midwinter, over on Goodreads, and I’ll just quote because I am excited: “I adored this book. It was sweet and charming. …It’s nice to see some solid worldbuilding in a PNR [paranormal romance]….One of those where I spent the second half of the book grinning like an idiot.” So, that’s my day and month and possibly even year made!

I hope you are all having a fabulous day - more soon!