We’re only 14 preorders away from sharing Chapter 2! For anyone who’s subscribed, but hasn’t preordered, now’s the time to do it!

I’ve been working on a scene taking place at EMBR, the headquarters of the cloning company. In the text, I mentioned the logo, so I decided to mock it up to show what it looks like.

EMBR stands for Electro Mechanical Biological Research, and its very existence has changed the entire course of existence for humanity, in effect granting those who can afford it immortality. This has led to a group of protestors known as "Puritans", who eschew all Uploading and copying, proud they’re on their first body.

Have a great Memorial Day everyone!

Hey everyone! Time for the nightly update. 

I’d like to talk to you about the origins for the technology behind Uploading. There are really two pieces of technology at play: Cloning and the Uploading itself. Cloning is well known, a technology we’re only beginning to explore here in the real world. Uploading seems to be something in our near future as well. Scientists in 2013 managed a "mind meld" between two rats, transmitting thoughts across two continents. Using computers to take one being’s thoughts and transmit them into another consciousness places it technologically adjacent to Uploading. Instead, take your thoughts and put them into storage until needed.

Those are the two technologies that are tech adjacent to the story here and which I’m using to inform the science.

We’ve hit 34 preorders, thanks in no small part to Diane, who’s one of our two readers at Commissioner level! We’re only 16 away from my releasing Chapter 2. Think we can hit that by this weekend?

You can help support the book and generate more interest by posting a recommendation both here on Inkshares as well as on Facebook or Twitter. Those small reviews definitely help.

See you all tomorrow night!

Hey everyone! Welcome to the new subscribers. No new preorders today, but people coming and checking out the page continues to rise! Hopefully, as it gets closer to the date, more subscribers will preorder. Remember that getting your preorders in earlier will help encourage others to preorder. Nothing like seeing a project close to making it to encourage others to follow suit.

Also, remember that when we hit 50 preorders, I’ll be sharing Chapter 2 of Upload!

Wow! We’re now at 29 copies sold (at 27 readers) and 59 followers! Let’s do some quick math. The campaign goes on for another 77 days. We’re at 11.6% of the funding goal for 250 copies (3% of the 750 goal). While it would be nice to hit 750, our hard number is 250. If three people become readers per day, we’ll hit that funding goal! 

I’ve got a Facebook ad out there, which looks like it’s reached a few people. I’ve never run a FB ad before, so we’ll see if it’s of any use. If you were directed here through that ad, or if you’ve seen the ad out in the wild, let me know! 

I’m continuing to work on this end. More words are tumbling from my fingertips tonight. If we can hit 50 readers by June 1st, I’ll share Chapter 2! Please get out there and share with your friends!

Peter Ryan · Author · added almost 8 years ago
Liking the new cover!

Wow, thank you all for the support. I’ve received a lot of great words of encouragement over the last few days. Tonight’s a writing night, as are all nights from here until the book is complete.

In tonight’s writing, Jonathan will be delving deeper into the tangled conspiracy behind his death.

There’s now a Facebook page for Upload. Be sure to like it for more updates!

Again, thank you for all your support!

There’s a new cover! I’ve gotten some great feedback, and can’t wait for you all to see the novel. Remember to tell your friends to preorder!

All, thank you for the support. Things have been progressing well. We’re at 4% of our goal, with 81 days left. I’m progressing nicely with the book. I look forward to sharing more with you soon! Be sure to tell your friends. The only way this thing gets spread is through word of mouth.