
Chapter 1

Based on the life & times of Transcendentalists of the 1800’s, the following is a list of likely chapter titles

  1. Throw parties and invite your friends as entertainment or captive audiences
  2. Collect Cool/Gross/Dead Things and Rocks
  3. No Matter How Mean People Are, Still Be Friends with Them (Hawthorne)
  4. Live in Small Spaces & Take Lots of Walks
  5. A Downer of a story-Margaret Fuller drowning off Fire Island
  6. Getting arrested and totally rubbing everyone’s nose in it forever
  7. Why you shouldn’t start forest fires, or if you do, do it with the Mayor’s son
  8. Share half of your house with strangers for fun & profit
  9. When you run out of stuff to write, draw!
  10. Dumbing down your brilliant ideas vs “Simplify” x3
  11. Be known for more than 1 thing

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