The Odd Coin is an epic fantasy novel set in a world that I’ve been toying around with in one form or another for about fifteen years. I finally got to typing it out, and the novel I came up with is the opener for a series that I’ve been thinking about for a while.

In the world of Vael, the gods are long dead, having killed each other off in a war that devastated the lands of Syude, and brought down an empire. But, the gods are reborn into Syude in a cycle that has repeated itself since their deaths. Their rebirths are always violent things, and they only return to seemingly bring destruction upon the peoples of Syude. This story takes place a long time after that, and follows an initiate of a secretive order that hunts these reborn gods down.

I finished my first draft in February of this year, and have made two rounds of edits on it with one beta reader. The book is in pretty good shape, but I’m sure it could be better. At this point, I need some more beta readers to help me improve the draft. Below I have pasted in some cover text for the book. If you’re interested in helping me beta read, please let me know!

- Ryan

It’s easy to collect the Cartel’s street tax if you’re quick, and Danis is – but one night the boy uncovers an odd coin, marking him to be hunted through the dark streets of Saelenta; Danis is fast and clever, but he must also be brave to survive the night that changes his life permanently.

A decade later Danis is now Matteus with a new identity and life in the secretive Oathsworn Order. His years as an acolyte are at an end, and now he faces his greatest challenges yet as an Oathsworn himself; but the myriad characters of Syude have their own agendas. From the maneuvering of royalty, to the travels and trials of an avenging dwarf and chronomancer of a mysterious race - the threads of their lives are unknowingly intertwined. Dead gods are reborn, cursing humanity to endure devastation and plagues, and heroes and villains alike are propelled toward a destiny that will decide the fate of a continent forever.