
Sample Chapter

-Chapter One-
Second Chance Draw

Sample Chapter

“Welcome back to the 32nd annual X games event, where we’ve seen some of the best gamers worldwide capture titles, and our hearts.” Beamed a man in a deep blue suit behind a desk, he continued, smirking slightly, “I’m your host Dave Brennan, and we’re here today to watch the launch of G.A.M.E Studios’ highly anticipated title, Survival Quest.”

A quiet “oooooo” resonated around the studio from the crowd.

“We know almost nothing about G.A.M.E Studios’ new title, except that it’ll be pioneering state of the art virtual reality immersion pods.”

Another “oooo” echoed almost robotically from the crowd.

“And of course we know the name” he added smirking again.“Now off to Arcade Adam’s Weekly Highlight reel, but when we come back we’ll be talking about how G.A.M.E went about getting beta testers for their new title, and how they put fifty out of the coveted two thousand spots up for random chance draw from anyone, anywhere in the world.” He smiled so wildly his teeth sparkled in the studio lights giving him a somewhat sinister look. He continued

“So don’t worry if you didn’t make it through on a qualifier, this is your chance-“A loud knocking broke the monotony of the talk show host’s ramblings, a young man, no older than 19 stood up, eyes still glued to the host, who’s image flickered on the floating hologram in front of him, he was an average sized man, with jet black hair spiked up at the front, his name was Aias. The knock happened again, this time louder and faster.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” He replied in a lazy tone, backing away from the floating torso of the talk show host. The room was small, very cluttered, with a kitchen on one side and a single bed the other, there was only room for one three seater couch in the middle and a table against the wall with some electrical equipment on it, the room seemed to be three rooms crammed into one. As he approached the door, he lifted his arm, aiming his wrist toward a chrome square plate beside it, pulling back the sleeve of his black jumper, revealing a barcode stamped on the inside of his wrist, the door slide upwards and three people barged passed him.

“Dude, it’s gonna start soon.” Said the first person through the door, it was a boy, slightly smaller with shoulder length blonde hair, he was followed by a taller girl with long brown hair and another boy, easily the tallest and largest of them, he was dark skinned with a shaved head.

“Yeah, Ayen, I know, I was just watching.” Aias replied to the smaller boy.

“Damn this is a nice place, Aias.” Whistled the largest boy, looking around the room. “Sometimes I forget the elevators go up this high, how’d you nab this place?”

“Won it, in the Rampage Invitational Finals,” replied Aias, “trampled the competition.” He added wittily.

“Shame you didn’t put that skill toward qualifying for Survival Quest like us, Aias, then you wouldn’t have to hold all your hopes on winning the lottery.” Chuckled Ruven in a deep rumbling voice.

“Then I wouldn’t have this sweet place, and don’t forget, Ruven, it was me who nearly took you out of the state team, and if you’ll remember I almost had you.” Retorted Aias with a cheeky grin. Ruven laughed.

“You’re pretty quiet Vex, something wrong?” Aias gesturing toward the girl, who was standing beside Ruven with a concerned look on her face.

“Nah, it’ll just suck if you guys don’t make it in, me and Ruven are about to make history.” She replied with a grim expression.

“Yeah I know, but yous’ll do great anyway, and besides-“

“Guys it’s starting” squeaked Ayen’s voice, cutting Aias’ response short.

Dave Brennan’s face appeared once more on the floating sheet in front of them, this time breaking his normal monotonous tone for a far more excited one. “Well folks, we’re back, and you know what that means, it’s time to see who wins the chance to be a part of gaming history.” The group stood motionless as the screen faded to black and Dave Brennan’s voice spoke once more. “And the first name is.” A word written in fire appeared on the screen.


“BANISHER!” screamed Dave Brennan’s voice, the off screen crowd roared with applause, but before their cheers could reach its apex, a second name exploded onto into view.


“DEADSHOT!” Cried Dave Brennan’s voice over the erupting applause of the crowd.


“VICIOUS ONE!” Dave Brennan’s voice was almost inaudible at this point.

“Ohh wow I’m surprised he didn’t make it in to begin with.” remarked Vex

“I heard he missed the cut off for the qualifier cause he was in the finals of the Battleground France Open.” Replied Ruven sternly as he collapsed into a seat on the couch in front of the screen, “Either way, he’s in now.” He added as the name Hitbox flashed across the screen to a tremendous applause.

“STREAMLINE!” shouted Dave Brennan’s voice angrily, apparently fighting back against the constant onslaught of the crowd, in an attempt to be heard as the word “str33mlyn3” shone in fire across the screen. The name “Valorous” exploded onto the screen but Dave Brennan’s voice was barely audible over the consistent stream of cheers. Twelve more names had come and gone without anyone uttering a single word, as each name appeared and faded the knot in Aias’ stomach began to tighten, would he even be chosen? Perhaps he didn’t deserve it, if he had, maybe he’d have earned his spot like Ruven and Vex. He shook his head as the name “SerialChilla appeared on the screen, no, he shouldn’t think like that.

“Yeah ive never heard of him either, I guess some nonamers had to get lucky too” uttered Ruven, apparently thinking Aias had shaken his head in disapproval of the contestant, but before he had a chance to clarify, Vex had suddenly jumped up

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed “Look!” she was pointing at the screen, where written in fire was the word “DrDimension” “Ayen got in!” she dropped to her knees beside Ayen and started hugging him, he sat with a blank expression on his face, apparently unable to comprehend the situation.

“That’s great man!” boomed Ruven with a great big smirk on his face.

“M- my first pro level event.” Stuttered Ayen who finally found his voice.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have me and Vex to help, besides you can hold your own.” Ruven said, beaming at Ayen. Vex got back to her feet, turning around to face Ruven and Aias.

“You’ve been uncharacteristically quiet, Aias.” She huffed, making no attempt to veil her annoyance that he had not congratulated his friend.

“I… uh… it’s just crazy we know someone that got in, good on ya man.” He added quickly, Vex’s eyes narrowed at Aias. As names continued to fade in and out of the fire in the centre of the screen, Aias sat quietly while the others chattered merrily about what they might encounter inside of the game. It wasn’t that he was mad his friend got in, he just couldn’t help but be a little jealous that his name hadn’t come up.

“Last five” said Ruven, slapping his hand onto Aias’ shoulder jostling him back to reality.

“Awesome.” Sneered Aias in an overly sarcastic tone which nobody seemed to notice.

“Wow, I thought he retired.” Said Ayen, looking admiringly at the name “Weak1” on the screen.

“I guess this games making people come out of retirement, it’s going to be pretty incredible.” Remarked Ruven. At this Aias stood up and walked toward the kitchen, there was a loud exhale.

“And what’s your problem, Aias?” exasperated Vex, she continued “You’ve been all distant since Ayen’s name got called.”

“Ok fine!” Aias replied, a little more angrily than he meant to, “it’s because I’m jealous, you guys all get to play together, to be a part of this historical moment.” He sighed deeply “I always just seem to miss out… I’m too low of a rank to play with you and Ruven, Vex… and I’m too high of a rank to play with Ayen… it just sucks.”

“Aias…” began Vex, but he turned away, and headed toward the fridge as the voice of Dave Brennan became audible once more.

“And here it is, the very last of the fifty lottery names.”

The crowd began to cheer so loud it threatened to blow the speakers, Vex and Ruven sat forward in their seats, Ayen’s hands covered his eyes, while Aias sighed, opened the refrigerator door and stuck his head inside, only to re-emerge moments later to the sound of Vex’s voice.

“Aias… you got in.”

He peered around the edge of the fridge door, Ayen, Ruven and Vex were all looking directly at him.

“What?” he said surprised, Vex gestured him to come look, so he dived forward, leaving the refrigerator door wide open and saw, fading rapidly from the screen, the word “Vandowl

“I can’t believe we all made it in, I’m gobsmacked.” Said Ruven, disbelievingly.

Dave Brennan’s face started to fade back in, the crowd’s roars started to die down as he spoke.

“And that’s everyone, if you weren’t picked, don’t worry, neither was I.” his usual smirk broke out into a cheesy grin. The audience laughed, but it sounded suspiciously like canned laughter. Dave Brennan began speaking again, this time his face became stern, his eyebrows furrowed.

“Now, down to business, if your name has been picked, we’ve already got your details, and you’re going to want to get into that elevator and head down to the travel floor, the phaser will be ready to accept your identification and you’ll be brought to G.A.M.E Studios’ facility where you’ll be briefed on the game, some of you might consider sneaking in, don’t bother, you’ll need the proper clearance to make it through. We’ll return shortly to premier the world first look at Survival Quest, as these gamers embark on an epic adventure. I’m your host Dave Brennan.” And with another cheesy grin the screen faded to black, flickered momentarily and disappeared entirely.

For a moment nobody spoke, they just stood in silence basking in the gravity of the situation, finally Ruven cleared his throat.

“This is a great feeling guys, none of us left behind” he stood up “y’all ready?” he said heartily.

“I’m a bit nervous, but I’m ready.” Replied Vex, not yet standing up.

“Why do they want us to go the studio? Normally we play games on our own set up? I haven’t had to travel for a game in years.” Aias stated with a puzzled look on his face.

“Probably because it’s a pioneering a bunch of new things, and they want to explain them to us” Squeaked Ayen knowingly.

“I guess we’ll find out soon.” Ruven shrugged, he started heading toward the door, “C’mon let’s go.” He added.

Aias nodded, and strode forward with his wrist extended to open the door, the door opened revealing a square room with a door closed door on each side, polished reflective falls and black marble flood with a white light in the centre of the roof, Aias moved to the side allowing each of them to pass. The door closed behind him as he entered the elevator, and he heard the door locking mechanism slide into place. Neon blue numbers appeared on the closed door, Aias said “Bottom level” and the words scrolled down for a moment, then stopped, Ruven extended his hand to press one labelled “Travel”, the words vanished and the elevator began to shake. They all stood in awe of the situation that was unfolding before them, they had all made it in, together.

A small metallic ringing sounded and the door slid open, they exited the elevator into a large, well-lit square room, the floors, walls and roof were lined with white square panels larger than Aias’ couch, and each was completely white and seemed to be emanating light. The room appeared to be completely empty save for six large glass tubes that extended from the roof to the floor at the opposite end.

As they stepped forward one of the roof panels flipped upside down revealing a completely black side with a dark red orb attached to it, they did not stop moving forward as a small red laser shot at each of their wrists, apparently satisfied with whatever it had done, the panel flipped back revealing the white square once again.

They each stepped into a tube, the glass closed shut around them.

“Here we go.” Yelled Ruven, though his voice was muffled, and could barely be heard, Aias replied.

“I hear ya buddy, see you on the other side.”

Each square in the room went dark row by row leading from the elevator up to the tubes. The floor of each tube went white and a thick smoke started to waft through the seamless floor inside the tubes. Vex closed her eyes, tensing her whole body, Aias looked down at his feet.

“I hate this part.” He mumbled to himself.

Suddenly the air became thick, and cold, almost feeling like it was wet, the smoke seemed to burn his skin on contact, he clenched his fists in pain, everything went dark, it felt like he was being compressed into the tiniest possible shape, but at the same time as if he was being stretched, all the while his body ached from the burning, but before he could even open his mouth to yell in agony, it stopped.

They were no longer in the travel room of their building, instead they had arrived at G.A.M.E Studios, the room seemed to be impossibly tall, the ceiling wasn’t even visible it just seemed to be draped in a dense black mist, the floor was entirely grass, there were people wearing blue lab coats bustling between the rows of glass tubes and directing the arrivals to the opposite end of the room where a giant black screen hung on the white wall. A women with brown hair came to Aias’ tube, as she opened it she spoke in a soft voice, almost a whisper.

”This way sir.” She said, extending her hand.

“Uh… ok… I’ll see you guys later.” He said to his friends, waving awkwardly over his shoulder, as the lady led him away. She was holding onto his arm, weaving in-between other tubes and people as if they were stationary and had been there all along, she brought him to an empty chair in between an older man with scruffy grey hair and fairly muscular man with sleeked back black hair, and sat him down in it.

“Extend your arm please” she said to Aias

“What?” he replied, with a confused look on his face.

“I need to put this bracelet around your wrist, sir.” She replied gingerly. Aias extended his arm and she put a silver bracelet around, it connected and had no seams, it was perfectly smooth and skin-tight, the employee walked away briskly.

“Already looking like some easy targets around this place.” Said the man with sleeked back hair offhandedly, “I bet I could beat half these noobs with my hands tied behind my back.” He continued, more to himself than anyone else.

“A little bit full of yourself aren’t you?” the older man had spoken up, in a confident tone.

“You don’t win a France Open without being good, old man.” He replied cockily. But before the man could reply the room went dark and the giant screen turned on, the face of a balding man appeared, he smiled and spoke softly.

“Welcome, to each and every one of you. We are going to be making history together.” He paused briefly, “this game is unlike anything you’ve encountered before, this is not your run of the mill virtual reality world, no no no… We are attempting to push the boundaries of what defines a game… so you won’t just be playing this, no no no… you’ll be living it” murmurs broke out among the crowd but ceased as he began to speak again.

“In the next room you will find state of the art stasis pods, which you will be hooked up to, and monitored while you are transported, mind, body and soul, into the game, this is entirely voluntary, though if you refuse, you will be asked to leave. You will be recreated as you are, within the game itself. Furthermore this game is not your usual gun-slinging nonsense, no no no, it is a game of survival, within an age that none of you have experienced.”

The walls on each side of the room slid open, exposing rows and rows of glass cylinders, though these were different from the ones they had travelled in, they did not reach the room’s ceiling and seemed to have floating screens around each one with small bendy tubes inside them.

“While in the game, your avatar version of yourself will have no respawns.”

The crowd broke out into more murmurs and Aias distinctly heard someone say they thought the idea was stupid. The man continued on, either because he could not hear the murmuring, or because he chose to ignore it.

“Though the game is designed to be last man standing, team work is encouraged, if the final boss is defeated, the person or persons involved will win the grand prize of ten million dollars.”

The screen went dark, and the lights faded back into view, excited murmurs began, the studio employees began filing people into the next rooms where they stood in the pods and the doors closed around them. Aias was put into a pod in a far corner, looking around he couldn’t see any of his friends, just a tall women next to him, she had a beautiful face and blonde hair that fell down to her knees. She caught him staring at her and shot him a dirty look, so he resigned to looking back at his feet, and that’s when he noticed it, this pod was unmistakably filling with some sort of liquid, it reached his knees then stopped, and although he could see it was there, he was unable to feel it. He spun around looking at the other pods, there’s too was filled with the liquid. A robotic women’s voice echoed through the pods.

“Please strap the tube inside the pod to your head, thank you.”

Aias bent down and picked up the tube, he lifted it toward his face, it had a small triangle attached to the hose, with the hole in the triangle, he put it toward his mouth, a strap automatically latched onto his head, he scratched at the back of his head attempting to remove it, the strap seemed to have no obvious points to grab onto. The liquid in the tube began to rise, Aias backed against the glass, attempting to escape it, as it reached his mouth he took a deep breath, it passed over his head and he began to float, the liquid connected with the top of the cylinder, and a light shone down, caking him in a green glow, he began to run out of breath, forced to take a breath into the tube, but as he did some dark liquid began feeding into the tube and he got a mouthful, he attempted to cough but couldn’t, everything started going fuzzy, he looked around but couldn’t see anything passed his own reflection, everything went dark.

Suddenly, his eyes opened the sun beaming down on his face, under a clear blue sky. He began sputtering wildly before he realised he was no longer inside of the glass cylinder. He sat bolt upright, looking around he was in the middle of a vast field, with trees surrounding it, he could see a dirt road leading toward what appeared to be a village, and a mountain off in the distance.

“What the… Where am I?” he thought to himself, he began noticing other people appearing around him, they seemed to be materialising prone on the grass all over the field. Aias stood up, and immediately noticed he was no longer wearing his jeans and jumper, instead he seemed to be wearing brown fabric clothes, with a robe belt and wicker shoes. Noticing people stirring around him, he looked up and noticed everyone seemed to be wearing the same thing as him, but before he could question it further, a small tornado appeared in the centre of the field, and the old man from the screen stepped out of it, dressed in turquoise robes, though Aias was not close, when the man spoke he heard him as though he was.

“Do not be alarmed, I am the Game Master, you are within a virtual world, your bodies are still within the stasis pods, though your minds are not. The stasis pods are designed to monitor you, and keep you fed to allow you to play for extended periods of time, through nanotechnology we have manipulated your brain into believing you are here, though you will not be harmed in the real world, if you are hurt here, the pods will stimulate your brain to inflict a sensation of pain within the game.” He continued in his slow, soft tone.

“This game is unlike any you have played before, you will find no guns here, only archery, swordsmanship and if you are lucky enough, magic. Please note that you may log out as you wish, after the first 5 hour cycle, once your avatar dies within the game, you will be sent home, alternatively you may withdraw and leave at any-“

But the Game Master’s words were cut short, as the sky turned from a light blue to a dark twisted black, red lightning began to flash in the sky. The ground, distant trees and even their avatars seemed flicker in a brilliant array of colours. Lightning struck the Game Master, and his avatar shattered like glass. A slow, raspy, demonic voice boomed from all around them.

“All the world’s best gamers… Conveniently in one place…” lightning continued to strike all around them. “Unbeknownst to you, this experiment now harbours more than your avatar’s life, the studios is no longer in control, I am.” Some people started yelling, but quickly realised there was no body to connect the voice to. It continued on “From this moment forward, if you die within this world, you die in the next.”

Screams could be heard resonating throughout the field, an older man yelled “This is some kind of joke right?” and Aias recognised him as the older man he sat next to in the studio.

An alarm sounded, with a robotic voice chanting “Warning, warning, neurosensory safety systems offline.”

The demonic voice started again, “The Game Master was the first casualty, your options are simple, either die heroically, or defeat the game and you’ll be released.” The disembodied voice began laughing hysterically, as it started to fade the skies returned to normal.