
Myche's introduction

This was a bio I wrote (under the pseudonym ‘Freddy Blake’, sorry to anyone who didn’t know it was me) for ‘The City of Gate’ Facebook group back on September 18th 2013.

“My name is Mike. Well, actually it's 'Myche', but no-one can spell in this bloody city! I've lived here since I was about 9. I'm not sure exactly how old I was, or how old I am. I don't remember my birthday I didn't really keep track of the time very well after I left home. Mum never came after me, because she'll never leave that town. After all, 'one day he'll come back'! No, he isn't.

My Dad was an Angel, or so I'm told. As far as I can make out the 'Angels' are a bunch of winged high-elf looking bastards that serve a miner sky-god who lives in the clouds above my home town. Centuries ago my people, on my mother's side, worshiped the sun and whenever clouds formed they thought that the sun was displeased. They'd make prayers and sacrifice to the sun so the clouds would go away, and if the weather got worse they assumed their offering was rejected and they tried again but bigger, better, with more ceremony. They pumped so much faith into the sky that the bloody great wanker became real! It's starting using the weather to gain more power, strengthening the conditioning and getting as much power as he needed, whenever he wanted by making the clouds come out.

The elven city nearby knew what was going on, but they didn't mix with humans back then and had decided not to get involved, except for a young group of brothers, who conjured up some wings so they could fly their way to the clouds and confront the bastard. They were too young to know that even a small god could kick their arses 3 ways to wednesday. It didn't even lift a divine finger, just tricked half of them into fighting their own brothers. The second son tore up the oldest elf's wings and through him down so hard he made a hole in the ground! My Mum doesn't believe any of this. She still worships the sky-god. I think I have some inherited memories or something, I can't just believe it's benevolent like my Mum does.

I look like almost any other half-elf going through his growth spurt, a little more human than elf maybe, except for the faint glow to my skin that makes me look better lit than anyone else in the room, and of course the useless sodding chicken wings i have sticking out of my shoulder-blades. Not only can I not fly, but these stupid things make me look hunch-backed, and they hurt! Especially recently, but then again, a lot of me hurts at the moment. I can't wait to be done growing.

I've lived in the City of Gate about 7 years, give or take a year, and I've made myself a good living running about the city making contacts and pairing up buyers and sellers for various goods and services. I made out so well at it I got my own place and opened a shop in the front. Now people come to me, at Mike's emporium on main street, for whatever they need.”

Next Chapter: Jansten