
CJ Boat · Author · added over 7 years ago
Hey there friends! I’ve reopened pre-orders for my book partly because I really want to get this off the ground, and also there are some contests for fantasy books going on right now. All previous pre-orders were cancelled so you can pre-order this again to help get the goal met. 
Dave Barrett · Author · added over 8 years ago
Hi CJ!  I preordered your book :)  If you've got referral credits, you mind hitting me back and helping me hit my preorder goal?  Thanks! - Dave

Hi friends!

We've had a good boost back into the board, been getting there pretty seatdily.  I'll keep this quick, just tweeting, facebooking, or anything the link over at www.geek-io.net/books gets a lot of legroom.  2 friends tell 2 friends, and that kind of thing!

Let's bring Athalor to life!


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to give a quick update, we are still in the running, but we have fallen a bit behind on actual preorders, if you could just spread the word about the book to your friends who you thnk may like sci-fi and fantasy books. I really honestly feel strongly about the world I have built, and I think you all will really like it as well.  

All in all, thank you so much for your support in this, we can make maigc together, let's get the ball rolling, keep sharing your links out, every day or so, eventually it will spiral out, and get us more and more to the book.

Hi friends, and yes you're my friends even if we haven't met.

We are going strong on this, and I am back almost into the top 10, which is the firs step.  The next step is getting more and more people to see the book.  If you could do me a favor and share the link to the book's page, as well as the instructions on how to get it for free at www.geek-io.net/books - this will really allow us to get this book published.  I can't do it without your help on this, and I would love to get this published.

Thank you for your help.


Hi friends,

A bit of a backstep yesterday, still needing some of you guys to redo your pre-orders from last time, but other than that, the anticipation is real.  The downside is, this is a very popular contest, and it is starting to heat up more and more.  

A little bit of news.
I GOT A NEW COVER! Thanks to my friend Darrell Shayler for inking that up for me. It's amazing, and i really love it. Much better than my C- Photoshop job I did.

I've begun preparing ideas for Book 2, and I think it will be a big hit for fans.  The only thing is, I can't get to book 2 without going through book 1 first! So, help me out, if you have already pre-ordered, thank you, invite your friends to do so through the link that you got when you ordered, it'll get you credits, and it'll get me readers.  If you have not re-ordered this from the last time, your credits may have been returned to you (some have reported they were, some weren't) so we have that going, the book is still free.

Thank you all for your support

Holy cats you guys, thanks! We're in the running so far! We need to keep up the pace, so we can really push forward and get this published.

A few things to consider: 

- The Nerdist collection only takes unique purchases. While doing the multiple purchases pushes toward the main goal, it doesn't count toward the contest. This counts readers, not amount.

- When you pre-order this, remember to share out your link that you are given to all of your social media. Not only will this get the word out (which is a big deal) but will also get you $15 when someone else orders this through your link.  This will allow you to buy books by my friends, JF Dubeau & Brian Guthrie! (But order mine first!)

-Most of all, the groundswell is the biggest thing to think about on here.  This really needs to make this a big name, and I really want to get this published.

Thank you all again for your help in this! We can do this!

My friends!

The Chronicles of Athalor LIVES AGAIN! We're going headfirst into the Nerdist contest.  If we thought the Sword & Laser contest was rough, this one will be even tougher! Together we can do this! 

What I need from you right now is to simply re-order the book.  The same rules apply, and you can get more credits this way.  Doing this early and often will get me into the Top 10 and get more coveratge to the book, increasing the likelihood of getting published.  

Secondly, the other big this is simply talk about the book! I made a short URL of geek-io.net/athalor - this will get your friends right to the book! 

Together, we can do this! Let's get it done, and win this one for Athalor!

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Steven Rod