
Good evening and thank you for your support! 

As we all know, we can’t do this without each other. The Choice of Life is progressing at a snail’s pace but it’s moving nonetheless. I have more written presently than is published on Inkshares in an effort to allow myself time to properly edit before I post. Any feedback, positive or otherwise, is greatly appreciated. It’s far from complete and much tweaking must be done but I am all ears in an effort to improve. 

A drink precedes a story.


John Scott Bryan · Author · added almost 8 years ago
Thank you, Kris! I’m truly honored you would use such kind words. One Murder More was such a page turner, I read it in one sitting. Couldn’t get enough!
Kris Calvin · Author · edited almost 8 years ago · 1 like
"This felt so much like breaking up with a girlfriend. Jimmy had never quit a job before."   Nice! Interesting start, looking forward  to seeing what happens next.