
Reader Writer · Reader · added over 3 years ago
An interesting insight into power struggles and corruption within a future space station. Scientific expertise shows through but the human element so far makes compelling reading. I want to read more.
Ian J Miller · Author · added over 3 years ago
Ken, I get your point. It was difficult because an earlier version had  beta readers say it was too verbose, so I cut it down. I shall have to think more on this. Thanks for the comment.
Ken Moore · Reader · added over 3 years ago
I found the opening paragraphs difficult to follow - a combination of awkward sentence structure, long sentences and an attempt to convey too much information in too few words. Which is a pity, as once past the introductory passages, the dialogue and the story starts to unfold and gains momentum and interest. As others have commented, good editing should resolve this so the reader is drawn in with free flowing text designed to match the reading age of the target audience. 
Ian J Miller · Author · added over 3 years ago
The novel is finished to the editing stage. I am interested in the comments about editing, and where you see the flaws (I don’t mean specifics such as a typo).
Reader Writer · Reader · added over 3 years ago
I’m interested in reading more.  The explanations of the structure and operation of the space station were credible and thought provoking.  The descriptions around tense action scenes held my attention.  There were several hooks to tempt future reading, for example the lawyer from Earth and characters we met only fleetingly.  I agree with another reviewer about the need for a good editor but I see real potential.

Reader Writer · Reader · edited over 3 years ago
I’ve read little or no science fiction for over 30 years, so am out of touch with the genre. However, I can see how the plot could develop and how the characters we’ve met so far might interplay.  Not sure how much character development to expect in the first chapter of a science fiction novel, owing to my unfamiliarity, but the scope is there in future chapters.  Finished the first chapter anticipating what could becoming along.
Reader Writer · Reader · added over 3 years ago
I love the action scenes: an out-of-control space ship nearly playing tag with a plasma beam? Whee! I also like the inner space station atmosphere of corporate corruption meets bare-necessity surroundings. It reminds me a bit of Bladerunner. Sure, it needs tidying but that’s what a draft is. Can’t wait to meet the space pirates.