Montana is a vast, great place to hide. There are lots of open spaces and the locals don’t ask too many questions. So for Malcolm Morrigan, it is a great place to make some money as a bounty hunter. The problem is that humans are not the only things hiding out in the Big Sky country. The supernatural world is starting to crowd; fleeing the more populated areas. The average human could walk right by a vampire at night and not even know it, but Malcolm is not your average human. He is not alone in his own mind.

For as long as he can remember he has had to share his mind with Maeve. Maeve allows Malcolm to do some amazing things. She can sense creatures that the normal humans can not, things that stories are made of and added to the fact that Malcolm has a girl trapped inside him will complicate his life. When a routine capture of a bail jumper ends up with Malcolm in jail and a building on fire, he must use his wits and magic along with some unusual friends to stop a creature this world has not seen in thousands of years.

Smoke and Fire

by Colter Guthrie

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